Friday 28 March 2008

what made me really depressed today:

Facebook doesn't load in the People sidebar,* what do I do?

Some people are currently experiencing a problem getting their Facebook contacts to load into the People sidebar. This is because of a Facebook change, and we are currently working hard on a fix.

In the meantime, you may be able to get People to return to normal by following these steps:

Mac, Windows, Linux
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click the "accounts" link at the top of the page.

If this doesn't work, try this:

1. Open the Flock menu
2. Click "Preferences"
3. Go to the "Advanced" tab
4. Within that tab, go to the "Update" tab
5. Click "Force Service Updates"
6. Restart Flock

1. Open the Tools menu
2. Click "Options"
3. Go to the "Advanced" tab
4. Within that tab, go to the "Update" tab
5. Click "Force Service Updates"
6. Restart Flock

1. Open the Edit menu
2. Click "Preferences"
3. Go to the "Advanced" tab
4. Within that tab, go to the "Update" tab
5. Click "Force Service Updates"
6. Restart Flock

For up-to-the-minute updates on this bug, check out Flock on Twitter.

*the most interesting thing in the flock browser, and the most important thing in my life


  1. ahahaha.. i had the same rage and the urge to get to the bottom of it and it took me to that same bloody thing

  2. i luv that 'you may be able to get People to return to normal by following these steps:' hihihi
