Friday 28 August 2009

undangan bagi clovique dan multipliers lain angkatan desember 2007

pada waktu itu kita belai rambut matahari dengan
tangan telanjang.
apa yang telah terjadi kepada rumah gulagula kita dan anak perempuan itu
yang menarinari di atas pematang ?


kunaik ke atas bukit
kutabur bungabunga dari dalam jala
kuterjun dari atas bukit
kutangkapi bungabunga itu satusatu
dalam mulutku


perhaps you don't remember the bowl
of hot javanese noodles we shared under
a jati tree. wet with rain. neither do i.

the c so beautiful

'tis like when achilleus gave away his body armour to patroclus
and he had to make do with odysseus' ill-fitting
loincloth. i can no longer walk through your garden in my own
shoes. what's left is a shed full of half-finished canvasses of
happiness with dainty little clouds rolling in. 'tis like when the ironmonger
had to relearn how to blow fire. did you hear the other day how
someone retweeted a google earth twitpic of the loch ness
monster ? life could be kind and full of surprises
sometimes. i saw you once pick up your boyfriend's changes off the
floor of a 7-eleven. 'tis like when helen gave paris a tap on
his shoulder on his way to needle the lion at the door. you might mean something
but no one would notice. i am sorry to have gone off the beaten
track i will try one day to bring you the world in the palm of my hand.
'tis like the time you put a stocking over a mannequin. everyone would
recognise you as the bank robber, he and everyone else said.
perhaps i will hashtag @yourname and @ashbery in one breath
and only you would understand what i mean. we are after all
together in this world, and what god had united let no man put us
under. 'tis like waiting for the river to flow again between the leaves
of the lemon trees. i have never wondered how two slices of lemon that had
lain on a girl's bottom would taste like. i know. i've had them many
times. 'tis what my baby daughter feels towards her mother's milk. i can't never
get enough of it.

'tis like nothing else.

Monday 24 August 2009


sederet nama dan bau bawang, sepiring merguez dan citron presse

segan yang mengambang di ujung parasol turis-turis di st-germain-des-prés

Sepanjang Malam

Tapi satu malam di sebuah pesta ajojing di gedung Harmonie Nyonya Nomeydal bertemu dengan Tuan Ladyemon, yang bertaring pedang. Nyonya Nomeydal tetap tersenyum tenang, percaya dengan kesaktiannya melumerkan tulang belakang pria hidung belang. Tapi di pucuk hidung Tuan Ladyemon, hanya ada komedo yg mulai menghitam.

Love Meal

Gimme a hand
Gimme a kiss
Gimme an ass
Don't be a miss

Gimme extra sauce
Gimme a napkin
Gimme rock n roll
Don't count me in

Would you like love to go with that ?

Meet me at Wendy's
Meet me at Burger King
Meet me at a mosque
Allah is the King

Meet me at Texas
Meet me at KFC
Meet me at McDonald's
Allah is CFC

Would you like love to go with that ?

Would you like love to go with that ?

Would you like love in the middle of the night ?

Sunday 9 August 2009

pondok lestari

gudangan lele tempe sayur bayam
jagung seperti afterthought

rantangan tak tepat selera

aku bukan lakilaki yang kuinginkan
aku khawatir tentang kebahagiaan suburbia ini

seperti layanglayang berbenang kenur
no match untuk benang gelasan

seperti kepala marsose yang tibatiba tertimpa kelewang
lupa mengaitkan tali helm di dagu jerawatan

aku ingin tinggal di rumah saja
memasang teralis di depan semua jendela

agar contentment tak bisa terbang lagi keluar
seperti burung dalam sangkar

Thursday 6 August 2009

I’m kinda sweaty

And I said, “What about breakfast at Tiffany's ?”
I will surprise you sometime I’ll come ‘round
I’m not gonna give you a break
How does it feel
The book of love is long and boring no one can lift the damn thing
Cinta ‘kan membawamu kembali di sini
It hasn’t been so bad, yeah, I’d do it again
Inní mér syngur vitleysingur
Hey !
The night you can’t remember the night I can’t forget
I got soul but I’m not a soldier
Keepin’ down the underground
I’m sorry that I love you
Invitation to the last dance then it’s time to leave
The dirt in your fries

Solo Valensi

Solo Hammond, Jr.

Every single one of us is getting massacred on a frozen path
The Great Big No
Bye bye Badman
Do you realize that everyone you know someday will die ?
All the clouds have silver linings
Gonna track this shit around
Úr stað – sjálfur
Some voice is asking how my weekend’s been
Tonight I’m gonna rest my chemistry
Flashback, wrong nights
C’mon let me hold you, touch you, feel you, always
Safe sex doesn’t mean no sex use your imagination
They just wanna, they just wanna
I feel alone and tired
First you look so strong, then you fade away

Solo King

Solo Hannemann

*all the lines were lyrics things I heard on my orange iPod nano (16GB) the ones that stuck in my head in the past two days at work 5/8/09 and 6/8/09.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

pengumuman kematian dan tata cara penguburan / dánarfregnir og jarðarfarir

kita bermain sampai mati
lebah mendengung dalam telinga
terperosok dalam genangan
hilang di tengah lautan

awal yang baik

terjemahan hopelandic :

við spilum endalaust
með suð í eyrum
svo hljótt

ágætis byrjun