Tuesday 29 April 2008

War Cry

I have left you for aeons
I have left you for the comfort of love
I have left you for a three-year guarantee of happiness
I have left you

I will try to get you back
by the river bend bursting with melati fronds.
I will get you back
before the boatman calls.

I will get you

There will be no grievance from me
No old socks soaked with dew
No staring at the clear moon
No more crystal curtains

Not from me

This time I mean it
Yes, sirree.
I will not let death's dream kingdom
get me in my sleep.
I will not let it get me
on the prow of my black ship.

Not I

1 comment:

  1. what's better to do in a war than kill the general with the soft hands of pale faced geisha?

    you went to sail the sea

    feel the tough love of master storm

    let raindrops caress your cheeks

    and wind strokes your hair

    you left for the stranger whose picture you have

    delivered to your lap by mr postman

    in sickness and in health

    to myself only i will succumb

    my viking lord to you i bestow

    all of me for i am the slave of my flesh

    but master of my soul

    the war has been going on forever

    i never tend to have it ended

    it keeps me awake on sleepless nights

    wearily forcing my brain to create strategies

    tactics under ridiculous names

    operation of jelly bean mambo jumbo

    candy house fishing walrus carpenter and oysters

    deflowering mermaids in red chamber

    with flowery halo above your weary pretty head

    to every adventure i will reply

    i'm on
