Thursday 24 April 2008

everyone else has had more sex than me ooo ooo

i was walking along a canal in 2003 and i saw a poster for 'morrissey live in concert' plastered at the back of a gondola, and that was the first time i realised 'live' is just evil spelled backwards.

i was reading badai pasti berlalu two weeks ago and i got to page 343 and i thought yes, but when?

i was listening to sandie shaw the other day, her singing a song morrissey wrote for her 'please help the cause against loneliness', and i was thinking the song was released in 1988, how much money has she raised by now?

i was in the moshpit at a flaming lips concert the soft bulletin tour with grown men and women in bunny suits balloons unlimited supply of acid and i was thinking the mere concept of this spectacle is too heavy for superman to lift.

i was on top of monas one day and i looked out towards the direction of your house and i thought if could still see the curvature of the earth then at least that means i have not grown too disillusioned with life. yet.

i was listening to the smiths' asleep and i was thinking this song is not funny like all the others, 'there is a better place, there must be ...', really, moz?

i was reading rimbaud one morning and i thought perhaps if you never told me that poets only earn 3000 dollars a year (if that!) i would never have left you to become one.


  1. moz moz moz... moz holic hehehhe

  2. everyone else can have more sex than you but you can have more orgasm than everybody else. just a thought.

  3. its a nice thought. and since im a man with too much time on my hands its probably already true. which is sad, or glorious depending on which high horse youre riding on.
