Tuesday 21 October 2008

hello sir sexy sexy

there are a few copies left of the limited edition edition of my book after the smashing success that was me and violets book/boutique publishing company launch at the ubud scam fest the other day (full report and photos of ayu utami reading my poem 'penismightierthanwords' to follow). if you want it come and get it. so says arwen. just reply to this thread and ill deliver the book to you personally on tante sophie if you live in jakarta.

the rrp for the book is 50,000 rupiahs. small price to pay for a work of genius. so says i.

(btw, apart from checking out my blog about the book, you can also become a fan on my facebook celebrity page and get even more obsessive fan updates about the book. because im bigger than agnes monica (even though we share the same hairstylist (who, you ask? pm me for a free quote)).)


  1. hwahwahwa.. pesen atuuuuuu paaaaaaakkkk...

  2. minggu ini giliran bukumu di area...

  3. yg di dewi terbit desember ya...

  4. iklanin di apsas dong mike, dgn bahasa narsis-najis-tak-tau-malumu itu hahaha

  5. thanks niken! mau dianterin ke mandang bok?

  6. wow... mau mau... harus diambil ke markasnya? atau bisa dikirim ?:)

  7. bisa dikirim, atau diantar. mau diantar ke mana ?

  8. serius mik? baiklah. ke karmin w :
    Aldevco Octagon Building - Lantai 2
    Jl. Warung Buncit Raya No.75 Jakarta Selatan 12740

    makasih banyak!

  9. pesen siji, mas.... dhuwite dikirim nandi?

  10. oke besok setelah liat falkplan aku antar mas karmin !

  11. sesuk tak terké nang kantor a+ lé. kowé isih nang kono to?

  12. kok aku gak ditanyain, meki???

  13. aku mau mau...
    plus foto erotis penulisnya?
    tanda tangan aku tak butuh

  14. publish on site aja, mike. tapi untuk bisa melihatnya orang harus submit dengan credit card number, hahaha, sekalian!

  15. ora mumu karo karmin tok sing pengen buku mu mas, aku iyo ki... *sruput ciu bekonang*

  16. halo semua! terima kasih untuk semua pesanannya! sayangnya semua kopi limited edition 'we are nowhere and it's wow' sisa dari ubud kemarin sekarang sudah habis terjual. tapi tenang kami akan segera bikin cetakan kedua, semua pesanan telah dicatat dan begitu cetakan kedua selesai akan langsung diantar/dikirimkan. buat ghe, tari erotis saja nanti bonusnya. foto2 sudah banyak di sini http://thetruthaboutjakarta.multiply.com/photos/album/9/Black_Cock_Down_Sebuah_Pornolaga_Starring_Eric_Banana
