Monday 10 April 2006

you won't ever see it

blue water like cheap mints. sun hot as a wok. the soft hair on your thighs, wilting, for more protection, from the hand running over them. it's hot hot hot out here. no need for the heat heat heat on your ipod. what are you trying to block out? the peace and quiet you're looking for is down there. under the water rippling like a giant, earth-sized potato chip. just stick your head in. you'll even stop thinking about me. see the life dead corals make. the flowers of. the bare trees of. the pussy folds of. the arrows of fish stopping, darting back, there, towards you, and away, like pasopati before kresna gave arjuna his bhagavadgita lesson. the chapter you always skip over. come back here. stop thinking. nothing's done when you're too busy thinking. put on your floats. the orange is so people can see you. so they don't forget. there are other people in this world. the goggles are for seeing things clearer than you can. the snorkel is so you can breathe when you normally can't. everything's here so you can be here now.

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