Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Saya tidak akan fotocopi blog entrymu lagi Saya tidak akan fotocopi blog entrymu lagi Saya tidak akan fotocopi blog entrymu lagi Saya tidak akan fotocopi blog entrymu lagi Saya tidak akan fotocopi blog entrymu lagi Saya tidak akan fotocopi blog entrymu lagi Saya tidak akan fotocopi blog entrymu lagi Saya tidak akan fotocopi blog entrymu lagi Saya tidak akan fotocopi blog entrymu lagi Saya tidak akan fotocopi blog entrymu lagi

wetiga ternyata jauh lebih kecil dari yang kami bayangkan. Selama ini kami hanya pernah melihat foto-foto tempat ini melalui website-nya, sebuah angkringan 2.0 yang katanya dibanjiri lebih dari 50 blogger dengan GDP (Geek Domestic Profile) satu notebook + satu netbook + paling tidak satu geniusphone per kapita pas pembukaannya. Kami pikir tempat secanggih itu pasti bisa memuat penonton dalam jumlah tidak terbatas. Bagus, karena kelihatannya KebunKata ‘Fotocopi’ kali ini akan dihajar pengunjung yang banyak, karena selain patron-patron BuMa yang biasanya, Anya dan Mikael juga akan membawa murid-murid Poetry Workshop mereka yang diadakan bareng majalah Cheng (haikuis handal semuanya!), dan iqbalibul si empunya wetiga juga telah mengundang teman-teman Pesta Plurker 2008-nya. Selain itu tentu saja ada 4,362 orang yang telah memencet ‘Yes’ pada pertanyaan ‘Will you be attending this event?’ di laman facebook mereka. Facebook/email/Y!M/yahoogroups blast kali ini kelihatannya benar-benar gokil punya berkat poster dan flyer yang didesain dengan ciamik oleh gedongproject dan hatihitam. Kami memang tidak terbiasa dengan acara-acara kecil yang sok akrab.

Sore itu, Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008, saat berdiri di depan angkringan yang masih belum ada secuil pun tape bakarnya, saya, Mikael, dan Kartika, Ana, Wuri, dan Oswald anak-anak dari poetry workshop tadi langsung panik. Rasanya tak mungkin bahkan mengisi ruangan yang kata orang Betawi ‘angin kentut juga kagak molos’ ini dengan penonton, karena sekarang sudah jam 19.00 dan hanya kami yang sudah datang! Memang pada saat bersamaan ada beberapa acara menarik lainnya yang sedang berlangsung. Sebagian besar anak BuMa sedang menghadiri kawinan Tika BuMa, dan salah satu moderator yang biasanya paling jago membakar massa rasanya pengen saya bakar saja jenggotnya karena disms dan ditelponin gak jawab-jawab.

Karena terbiasa dengan acara yang ramai dan meriah, tentunya kami tidak ingin tampil dalam ruang yang kecil dan itupun kosong melompong, bukan?

Di pelataran parker yang serba conblock dan geli-geli basah habis hujan, gedongproject membentangkan 20 meter lino yang baru saja ia beli di Blok A karena baru sore itu kami mendapat SMS dari iqbalibul memberitahukan kalau walaupun dia yang usul acaranya lesehan saja tapi wetiga tidak menyediakan tikar! Karena kami tak yakin kalau semua anak BuMa adalah kaum asketik seperti kami yang terbiasa duduk di papan berpaku, maka meluncurlah gedongproject di atas kereta SupraFit-nya yang super irit 1:55. Tapi sudahlah, kami sudah terlanjur di sini, sekalian saja bersenang-senang dan jadikan acara ini seperti KebunKata BungaMatahari seperti biasa!

Sambil berusaha menekan rasa panik dan stress, kami bersiap-siap. Saya berkutat dengan MacBookPro, proyektor in-focus, dan sambungan wi-fi yang ternyata lo-fi, sementara gedongproject mempersiapkan puisi fotocopi visual-nya yang sumpah jenius (berupa apropriasi found text di dalam dan sekitar Kebun Raya Bogor) dan mari kita semua berdoa semoga segera ia upload di YouTube. Setelah itu kami masih harus direpotkan dengan di mana membeli bir karena warung ini andalannya susu jahe.

Jarum jam menunjukkan pukul 19:30, penonton mulai berdatangan. Kaget juga saya melihat banyak penggembira Pesta Plurker 2008 yang datang lumayan awal. Kemudian akhirnya ada juga anak BuMa lain yang datang, poetry slammer jorgy dan anak BuMa baru dari Jogja, Saut Situmorang.

Lino bermotif parket Rp 9000,-/m mulai terisi, belum ada yang siap membuka acara, dan browser di laptop gedongproject menolak bekerja karena bajakan punya. Putus asa tak berhasil mengutak-atik Flock 2.0 (Beta version)-nya, kami putuskan pakai saja laptop iqbalibul yang ternyata berwallpaper foto ceweknya yang juga anak BuMa cieee. Akhirnya gedongproject habis kesabarannya menanti youknowwho dan setelah basa-basi sebentar langsung membuka acara dengan membacakan satu puisi Hasan Apsashoney (ayo gedong tolong copypaste yang mana).

Acara dimulai. Saya kemudian membacakan puisi ‘Spirit’, karya Tomy DG yang ia fotocopi dan perkosa dari ‘Aku’-nya Chairil Anwar (‘Ku tak perlu minuman soda itu!’), kemudian saya mengundang Oswald, Kartika, dan Ana untuk mempermalukan guru workshop mereka dengan membacakan puisi-puisi mereka sendiri yang asyik punya (contoh: ‘hitam rambutnya/tak sehitam hatinya/pendek tubuhnya.’ Perfect senryu!), kemudian Endang Johani, anak baru BuMa juga, membaca puisi tentang anaknya yang menurutnya ‘difotocopi dari saya, tapi hasilnya buram’ dan mengundang tawa terbahak-bahak dari hadirin (siyal!). Tapi, bukannya kesal, saya malah bersyukur, karena paling tidak suasana sekarang sudah santai.

Saya tak mau bicara panjang-panjang. Hanya ingin bercerita bahwa mungkin karena harapan yang terlalu menggunung karena promosi yang okeh, acara yang mungkin sebenarnya sudah lumayan okeh, apalagi setelah jorgy tampil dan acha menggebrak dengan solo jembenya (don’t do a peterpan on us please otak and chair!) terasa agak adem-ayem padahal udara panas keringetan bau bir hasil belanja gedongproject di Lingkaran K.

Yang sempat tampil juga malam itu adalah anak BuMa baru dari Jogja, Saut Situmorang, yang mempertontonkan versi video poetry sajaknya ‘di kepalaku ada gempa’ yang dimuat di buku kumpulan puisinya ‘otobiografi’ (di situ berjudul 'bapa kami yang ada di sorga') dan bisa disaksikan di multiplynya. Kemudian Yusak anak BuMa Bandung yang berlambaian tangan ala Ratu Elizabeth dengan bayangannya sendiri di tembok yang kita tembak dengan infocus yang siap menayangkan blog siapapun yang mau membaca puisi langsung dari situ.

Sesuai dengan semangat BungaMatahari yang percaya semua bisa berpuisi, saya terus mengajak hadirin untuk maju ke depan dan berpuisi. twosmokingbarrels, salah satu pendiri BuMa yang lama bertapa menekuk lutut kemudian meluruskannya kembali dalam irama dangdut Jamaika akhirnya tampil juga setelah lama absen dari dunia kangouw BunKat, ditodong membawakan salah satu puisi dahsyat di thread ‘tante d lagi apa? buat puisi, ya?’ di multiplynya, kemudian pendiri BuMa yang satunya lagi, violeteye membawakan puisi andalannya ‘pilih sendiri petualanganmu’ yang membuat malam jadi terasa makin panas dan kelam (in a good way).

Penampil makin banyak, dan insomnia saya semakin menggila. Tak apa, kalian yang merasa dilupakan, silakan hajar saya di thread reply. Oya, sebelum lupa, penampil satu lagi yang saya ingat dan penampilannya mengejutkan karena rambutnya sudah tak lagi gondrong adalah gema yang masih juga mengalirkan spirit Jim Morrison walaupun penampilannya sekarang lebih Morrissey.

Waktu yang tadinya terasa berjalan lambat sekali, tiba-tiba sudah hampir habis. Acara lambat laun tutup sendiri seiring dengan perpindahan orang lebih mendekat ke gerobak angkringan yang menawarkan berbagai macam cemilan gaya Surakarta Hadiningrat. Suara saya membacakan puisi anak baru BuMa dari Jogja, Saut Situmorang, ‘kinda blue’, diiringi gitar delta blues Robert Johnson jorgy, tidak cukup kuat melawan suara arang berkeletik membakar sate babat.

*sesuai dengan spirit tema BunKat ini, ‘fotocopi’, laporan pandangan mata ini saya curi semua kata-kata(dan spirit)nya dari salah satu hasil reportase investigatif jurnalis sastrawi BuMa, si cawathitam, di sini.

Sunday, 14 December 2008

BungaMatahari: KebunKata 'Fotocopi'

Start:     Dec 20, '08 7:00p
End:     Dec 20, '08 11:00p
Location:     Wetiga (Warung Wedangan Wi-Fi)
Fuck poetry, baby. Lupakan naskah pengayaan sastra nusantara yang harus kau selesaikan besok pagi. Aku sudah siap dengan seragam sembalap penantang maut dari kulit biri-biri yang kau jahit bulan lalu. Kau sudah janji membaluri lengkung pinggang panggulmu dengan madu. Asli. Bukan palsu.

Jangan lupa fotokopi. Sisakan satu untukku.

Fuck poetry, baby. Novel cinta yang kita gangbang minggu lalu, habis ditelan graffiti. Aku janji membeli yang baru untukmu. Kau tiarap wangi kertas baru.

Jangan lupa fotokopi. Biarkan madu di ketiakmu.

Fuck poetry, baby. Burung merak yang kita beli di Pasar Barito tak henti-hentinya menyalak. Padahal aku kasih dia makan sesuai petunjuk yang menempel di sangkarnya. Seratus lima puluh juta. Dalam pecahan apa saja.

Jangan lupa fotokopi. Kicauannya membuatku tegak.

Fuck poetry, baby. Kita mabuk facebook kenyang wiki muntah yahoo. Mereka tak sabar mencuci jendela kita yang busuk, mengganyang apel kita yang seksi, mengunyah seragam kita yang abu-abu.

Jangan lupa fotokopi. Celanaku mulai sesak.

Fuck poetry, baby.

Terlalu banyak kopi hari ini.

BungaMatahari mengundang teman-teman yang ingin menghabiskan malam tanpa kegiatan berarti, dalam acara KebunKata ‘Fotocopi’, hari Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008, pukul 7 malam sampai kentongan darurat berbunyi, di:

Warung Wedangan Wi-Fi (wetiga.com)
Jalan Langsat 1/3a
Kramat Pela, Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta 12120
Telepon +62 815 7485 2877

Notebook, netbook, kasur kapuk, bujang lapuk, semua diterima di sini. Puisi, caci maki, gosip murahan, dan ketawa cekikikan, adalah sebagian dari menu yang kami sediakan untuk kalian.

Jangan berharap ketemu nama-nama terkenal. Yang ada hanya anak-anak nakal dan orang tua binal. Puisi? Pasti ada. Foto-foto? Sama saya aja. Cemilan dan kopi? Bayar sendiri!

Yang tak bisa datang jangan cemberut jangan kecewa. Nona GeekChickRompas biang keladi BungaMatahari yang super jelita, dan teman-temannya yang tak kalah sempurna, akan melayani rayuan puisi kalian dalam liveblogging di saluran Multiply dan Facebook BungaMatahari.

Tunggu apa lagi? Pastikan koneksi Internet kalian mumpuni. Pergi ke warung terdekat dan bekali diri dengan indomie telor kornet dan kopi susu, ganti kemeja dasi rok blazer hasil berburu di ITC dengan kolor dan daster, lalu duduk manis di depan komputer. Yes, baby! KebunKata lagi!

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

tentang seorang satanis yang gemar mendengarkan lagu-lagu santri*

ia dengarkan mp3 yang masih copy-protected itu satu persatu
tentang allah, paradiso, suci nan dududududum
mencipta dunia untuk sendiri termangu
di kefanaan konser burzum

*balasan buat 'tentang seorang santri yang gemar mendengarkan lagu-lagu satanik' besutan yoshi f/gedongproject di sini

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

jOhN ABGshBery


Do you know wher3 y0u l1v3? Pr0b4bly.
4bn3r 15 63tt1n6 t00 0ld t0 dr1ve but w0n't 4dm1t 1t.
Th3 0th3r d4y h3 60t 1n h1s car t0 60 buy 50m3 c0ugh dr0p5
0f 4 k1nd th3y d0n't m4ke 4nym0re. And th3 dru65t0r3
h45 b3en incorp0r4t3d 1nt0 4 m4ll 4bout s3v3n mile5 4w4y
w1th 0nly 4bout h4lf th3 5t0r35 rent3d. Ther3 ar3 thre3
0th3r m4ll5 with1n 4 four-m1l3 ar34. 4ll the hou535
4r3 own3d by the 54m3 6uy, wh0's b33n r3nt1n6
th3m out t0 colle63 5tud3nt5 f0r y34r5, 5o th3y ar3 v1rtu4lly uninh4bitabl3.
4 5m3ll 0f v1tr1ol 4nd 5ock5 perv4d35 th3 ar34
l1k3 4n 0p3n 53w3r 1n 4 s0uk. 4nyw4y th3 c0u6h dr0ps
(4 n3w br4nd) t4st3d pr3tty g00d—l1k3 c4tn1p
0r 4n or4n6e 5lic3 th4t h4s l41n 0n 4 61rl'5 b3h1nd.

That'5 the 3lectr1ci4n c4llin6 n0w—
n0b0dy 3ls3 w0uld call befor3 7 4.M. N0w w3'll hav3 50m3
el3ctric1ty in the pl4c3. 1'll 5t4rt by plu66in6 1n
th3 Chr15tm4s tre3 l16ht5. Th3y w3r3 wh4t m4d3 th3 wh0l3 th1ng
6o up in 5p4rk5 th3 l45t t1m3. N3xt, th3 l16ht
by th3 d1cti0n4ry 5t4nd, 50 1 can lo0k som3 w0rd5 up.
Th3n probably th3 t045ter. 4 n1c3 5l1ce

of t0a5t would r34lly hit th3 5p0t n0w. 1'm 4fra1d 1t'5 all 0ver
b3twe3n us, th0u6h. M4ke n1c3, l1ke y0u re4lly c4r3d,
I'll chan63 my ch3m153, and we c4n d4nc3 4round th3 r00m
l1ke d3m3nt3d do65, e463r f0r 4 h4nd0ut or they d0n't
kn0w wh4t. Gradu4lly, 3v3ryth1n6 w1ll r3turn t0 n0rm4l, 1
pr0m15e y0u th4t. Th3r3'll b3 th1ng5 f0r y0u to wr1te about
1n your d14ry, 4 fur c04t f0r m3, 4 lavi5h 5h03 tre3 f0r that oth3r.

Make th4t tw0 5lices. 1 c4n 53e y0u 0nly thr0u6h 4 v36etal murk
not unl1k3 c0ral, 1f 1t w3re 53m1-l1quid, or 4 tr4n5p4r3nt milk5h4k3.
I hav3 4dju5t3d th3 l4mp,
morn1ng's at 53v3n,
th3 t4rn1sh h45 f4llen fr0m th3 m3t4ll1c 3mbroid3ry, th3 w4lls h4v3 f4ll3n,
th3 c0untry's puls3 1s r4c1n6. P4rent5 4r3 weepin6,
the 5ch00l5 h4v3 cl053d.

All th3 fus5 h45 put m3 1n 4 g00d mo0d,
0 6r3at sun.

* from John 45hb3ry, Y0ur Name H3r3, F4rr4r, 5tr4u5 4nd 6ir0ux, N3w York, 2000, p. 46-47

g4k s36ituNy4 k4L1 b0k

Ch41r1l 4nwar

K4l4u s4mp41 w4ktuku
‘Ku mau t4k 530ran6 k4n m3r4yu
T1d4k jug4 kau

T4k p3rlu s3du sed4n 1tu

4ku 1n1 binat4n6 j4l4n6
D4ri kumpulanny4 t3rbu4n6

B1ar p3luru m3n3mbu5 kul1tku
4ku tet4p m3r4dan6 m3n3rj4n6

Luk4 d4n b154 kub4wa b3rlari
H1n664 hil4n6 pedih p3r1

D4n 4ku 4k4n l3b1h t1d4k p3rduli

4ku mau h1dup s3r1bu t4hun l4g1


azagtoth, trey

trey azagtoth,
why dontcha play drums for rick allen
let him reign in blood as long as he could possibly stand it
on a dark throne sprayed with shampoo
and yer lyrics would rhyme A B B A
and what about force-rhyming massacre with mascara ?
over millie petrozzas body ha !
but what if say, you wrote songs for la môme piaf, imagine that
and she says, c'est moi ! non, je ne regrette anything that rhymes with siang
thats when the small intestines on a carcass would explode from the heat of the midday sun
no time to ask for benediction from a nun
h.p. lovecraft, sumerian death chants, norse synth pops, when are ye gonna grow up, o
you, shorn lamb of god ?
wipe the floor in your chapel of ghouls
really wipe it this time, put some elbows into it, you annihilator of two-finger tapping !
betrayer !
ill plant fake plastic trees on your grave
play air sitar at your funeral
all for the sake of a spiritual healing
never pay attention to a body count

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

pesta sek

'kalian mau pesta sek ya ?

maaf mengganggu, tapi kutinggalkan celana dalamku di meja riasmu.

tolong, ambilkan. dan aku akan menutup mulut

tentang semua kenistaan dan kenikmatan yang telah dan akan terjadi

setelah aku menggembok pagar rumahmu. dari luar seperti biasa. seperti waktu itu

aku masih pacarmu dan kamu masih suka mencabut uban di antara bulu jembutku

yang katamu, "rindang, seperti pelukanmu." selamat tinggal, yang tidak kusayang lagi,

selamat menikmati hidup baru di atas vespa sprint veloce 150, please, ride pillion

for the rest of your life for all i care. selama hidupku aku selalu berusaha tidak menjadi

party pooper. tidak akan kumulai sekarang. dalam hidup ini, aku ingin menganggap diriku

masih a trooper.'




Thursday, 30 October 2008

60 CL

the way reading kristeva
makes you feel
ill. stupid. and angry
all at the same time

fluxus ?
fluxus my ass !
balls to you too, marcel !
flux us !

i abject !

jérémy est maltraité
les parents de zoé divorcent

c'est la vie-lah !

real life is genuine experience
you live thru with gritted teeth

mudmen digging thru an asphalt highway
at 12.03 am

overtaking a container truck
at half-throttle

you risk getting stuck in a rut
you risk getting stuck in

stick it in
stick it out

at 150cc
you still wonder if youve got the right displacement ?

Monday, 27 October 2008

Sous la lune brilliante / je rentre chez moi en compagnie / de mon ombre*

Di bawah terang bulan
Aku berjalan kembali ke kamar
Ditemani bayanganku sendiri

*oleh Yamaguchi Sodo, kutemukan dalam sebuah antologi puisi Jepang klasik versi Prancis terbitan Gallimard yang kutemukan di rak poésie sebuah kafe francophile (kemahalan, makanan biasa2 aja, goat cheese kok rasanya kaya feta) di Ubud.


last nite i w as feel in gsa d

so i texted a great poet

i said :

                                              dear goD

do you think, if
i havent really suffered


                                                          ive lived a spoiled
and                          TOTALLY

       pampered life

is there still a chance that sometimes
at least

i could still write good poetry ?

and hE said no.

No my child
as with anything in lifE

there are prerequisites :

like two heads in the oven
or a noose hanging
off a wooden beam

a chair kicked over into the corner of a room
those are the ideal
asia weevils

you need those

but who would want those my child

wouldnt you just want to be dr williams
dead of a recurring stroke
that pushed his weelchair
into a bush
of crimson cyclamen

he, pushed over
headfirst ?

leave dying alone
at a stinking hospital bed at tangiers
both yr legs cut off at the knees

leave greatness
to the real Gods

to the Rimbauds of the world
to the Rambos of the world

remember how in First Blood Part Un
he had to chisel a bullet
out of his arm
with a hunting knife ?

you want that ?

no you dont
believe mE

you wouldnt want that kind of lifE
greatness is overrated
believe mE

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

hello sir sexy sexy

there are a few copies left of the limited edition edition of my book after the smashing success that was me and violets book/boutique publishing company launch at the ubud scam fest the other day (full report and photos of ayu utami reading my poem 'penismightierthanwords' to follow). if you want it come and get it. so says arwen. just reply to this thread and ill deliver the book to you personally on tante sophie if you live in jakarta.

the rrp for the book is 50,000 rupiahs. small price to pay for a work of genius. so says i.

(btw, apart from checking out my blog about the book, you can also become a fan on my facebook celebrity page and get even more obsessive fan updates about the book. because im bigger than agnes monica (even though we share the same hairstylist (who, you ask? pm me for a free quote)).)

Thursday, 16 October 2008

goin to ubud country, gonna meet a lot of bitches !

<--------- becos of this guy

one free copy for anyone who can spot whats wrong with this version of the cover for my great sure-to-be-a classic book

Friday, 10 October 2008

Laskar Orba

Genre: Kids & Family
Laskar Pelangi adalah film kedua Riri Riza dalam tiga tahun ini, setelah Gie (2005) yang diadaptasi dari buku yang telah melegenda dalam budaya pop Indonesia. Sekilas kedua buku yang diadaptasi oleh Riri cukup berbeda. Buku yang digubah menjadi Gie (oleh Riri Riza sendiri) adalah 'Catatan Seorang Demonstran' karya Soe Hok Gie, seorang aktivis mahasiswa yang meninggal 16 Desember 1969 tapi bukunya, 'Catatan' tadi baru terbit tahun 1983. Buku ini bercerita tentang masa-masa akhir Orde Lama pimpinan Soekarno: yang paling menancap di dalam mitologi budaya pop Indonesia, dan yang paling diolah oleh Riri Riza dalam 'Gie', mungkin adalah kisah behind-the-scenes dari demonstrasi-demonstrasi Tritura waktu itu, kegemaran Soe Hok Gie naik gunung (ia meninggal setelah menghisap gas beracun di lereng Gunung Semeru), dan kejeniusan Soe Hok Gie waktu SMP dan SMA di CC (Canisius College, salah satu sekolah Katolik tua paling bergengsi, old money, di Jakarta, selain PL (Pangudi Luhur) dan Gonz(aga)). Kelegendaan buku ini mungkin bisa dibandingkan dengan Buku Merah Mao, dan foto Gie dalam posisi semedi di puncak Pangrango dikelilingi teman-temannya (perhatikan, orang di sebelah kanannya mengacungkan belati) mungkin hampir sama terkenalnya dengan foto penyair besar Chairil Anwar dengan rokok di sudut bibirnya, atau foto siluet Ché dengan beretnya. Buku ini, seperti dikesankan oleh judulnya, sering dianggap sebagai sumber sejarah yang valid, sebagai otobiografi proper (penerbitnya pun Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial, lebih terkenal selayaknya apapun yang bernama panjang di Indonesia dengan akronimnya, LP3ES, penerbit salah satu jurnal sosial (semi-)ilmiah yang namanya paling punya gaung, 'Prisma') dan 'Gie', biopiknya pun berusaha keras untuk menimbulkan kesan historikal ini, termasuk dengan memperdengarkan lagu Genjer-genjer, yang begitu didemonisasi sebagai lagu Komunis sepanjang Orde Baru sehingga praktis dicekal, di dalam salah satu adegan demonstrasi Partai Komunis Indonesia (walaupun lagu ini tidak disertakan dalam CD/kaset original soundtracks-nya). Di Gramedia, buku ini, yang setelah 'Gie' dirilis diterbitkan sebagai movie tie-in dengan ukuran baru (lebih besar sehingga salah satu legenda lagi tentang buku ini sebagai 'buku saku demonstran' jadi tidak benar lagi (kalaupun memang pernah benar) dan sampul baru bergambar siluet wajah Nicholas Saputra, bintang film heart-throb Indonesia sepanjang tahun 2000-an (sengaja supaya secara subliminal memunculkan siluet Ché di otak calon pembeli?), ditaruh di rak Sejarah, Sosial, atau Biografi. Sementara Laskar Pelangi (2005), buku karangan Andrea Hirata, selalu dipajang di rak Novel (kadang-kadang Sastra, dan lebih sering lagi Best-Seller), walapun pada kenyataannya buku ini lebih sering diperlakukan oleh pembacanya sebagai setengah otobiografi, dan setengah buku self-help. Penerbitnya, Bentang Pustaka (setelah dibeli Mizan), pun kelihatannya menyadari betapa buku ini sering dijadikan panduan hidup atau motivator bagi pembacanya dan sekarang selalu mencetak sampulnya dengan sebaris iklan dalam bahasa Inggris: 'Indonesia's Most Powerful Book!' Setelah membaca Laskar Pelangi, Sang Pemimpi, dan Edensor, tiga perempat dari tetralogi yang rencananya akan diakhiri dengan 'Maryamah Karpov' (yang belum terbit-terbit juga), pembaca mungkin akan berpikir bahwa pengarangnya sendiri pun bingung sebenarnya tetraloginya ini bergenre apa. Kadang-kadang Andrea Hirata menulis layaknya seorang memoaris, lebih sering lagi seperti seorang novelis bombastis, kadang-kadang seperti Iwan S. Gayo, si penulis Buku Pintar, dan kadang-kadang, terutama dalam Laskar Pelangi, seperti penulis cerita petualangan anak-anak. Kerancuan genre Laskar Pelangi sekilas lebih akut daripada Catatan Seorang Demonstran, tapi jika dilihat lebih dekat, siapakah yang bisa menjamin, atau paling tidak pernah memeriksa, keakuratan historis 'catatan' Soe Hok Gie? Benarkah 'catatan' ini bisa tanpa pertanyaan dijadikan salah satu sumber primer sejarah Orde Lama (dan tahun-tahun awal Orde Baru)?


Monday, 6 October 2008

I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV

I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV
I Just Wanna Say That Melly Goeslaw Is Not A Genius And Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Away With Being Such A Fat Talentless Bitch On TV

Wednesday, 24 September 2008


: gedongproject

gugur, gugur pahlawanku
buka pintu, tambah sribu
jantungku berdebar tiap kuingat padaMu
mengapa ada yang kurang saat Kau tak ada
melihatMu menyetopMu itu yang kumau

mana Sunnyku mana Sunnyku ?

begitu banyak puisi tak habis tentangMu

Kau membuat kuberantakan
Kau membuat kutakkaruan
Kau membuat kutakberdaya

Kau hancurkan aku dengan argomu

tak sadarkah Kau telah bolongi dompetku ?

tetap, tak akan kulupa
cinta pertama di jok belakangMu
Kau, Nissan Sunnyku

Johnny Donne's Unholy Sonnet LXIX

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Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Feel the love out there on the ice, far away silver thoughts; nobody lost, nobody found eternity one night only.

All the girls I know are dying of love and lack thereof or excess of, for lips that twitch at the end of a runway are the same lips that switch codes for the benefit of men, the kinds of which we’ve seen many times before but not this time: at the end of a runway, with all the spotlights shattering in unison. 'Nothing prêt-à-porter about life at the office of hearts, dearie One,' exclaimed La Diavola, her petticoat of simple flaming reds the butt of jokes around the cubicles of section 01. Wu-uuu-u. One thing, that I just can’t conceive, is how I just let you go on and on about 50 different permutations of happiness ever after; the world ipso facto, post-factum. Alea jacta est. When the frog kisses the prince, cherry-blossoms whither on stems as white as a peranakan girl’s buttocks. Not for nothing the Revlon red of your lips is now a washed-out pink on the rims of wine goblets. O, don’t you wish you had a river you could skate away on? I will draw bear footprints on its surface with my breath, the tip of my nose catching the cold reflection of my face. Always pressured to the ground, never from the same height. Always already an all-night fair on the inside of your skull. Imagine that. Imagine all the people. Cotton candy in your hair. A button coming off the inside of your sleeves. A rush for the automatic vending machine dispensing emptiness into the sweaty hands of man-children. The worst sort there is. There’s one, hi-fiving dead air into submission on the other side of the street. An unwaxed surfboard in his left armpit. Imagine that. Imagine all the friction.

Nobody Lost, Nobody Found Eternity One Night Only

always pressured to the ground
never from the same height
always already an all-night fair
on the inside of your skull
imagine that. imagine all the people.

cotton candy in your hair
a button coming off the inside of your sleeves
a rush for the automatic vending machine
dispensing emptiness
into the sweaty hands of man-

children. the worst sort there is
theres one, hi-fiving dead air
into submission on the other side
of the street. an unwaxed surfboard
in his armpits. imagine that. imagine all the friction.

Far Away Silver Thoughts

one thing that i just cant conceive is
how i just let you go on and on
about 50 different permutations
of happiness ever after; the world
ipso facto, post-factum. alea jacta est.

when the frog kisses the prince
cherry-blossoms whither on stems
as white as a peranakan girls buttocks
not for nothing the revlon red of your lips
is now a washed-out pink on the rims of wine goblets.

o dont you wish you had a river
you could skate away on? i will
draw bear footprints on its surface
with my breath, the tip of my nose
catching the cold reflection of my face.

Feel The Love Out There On The Ice

all the girls i know are dyin
of love and lack thereof
or excess of for lips that twitch
at the end of a runway are
the same lips that switch

codes for the benefit of men
the kinds of which weve seen
many times before but not this
time at the end of a runway
with all the spotlights shattering in unison

'nothin prêt-à-porter about life
at the office of hearts, dearie One,'
exclaimed la diavola, her petticoat of
simple flaming reds the butt
of jokes around the cubicles of section 01.

Monday, 22 September 2008

Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia juga melarang Pelawak Tidak Lucu, Orang Gembrot, Cewek Jelek, Cewek Jelek dan Gembrot, Orang Cebol, Gadis O'on Bersuara Melengking Seperti Habis Menghisap Helium, Orang Bego, Orang Berkumis Hitler, Anak Kecil Yang Berlagak Seperti Dewasa/Tidak Jelas Apakah Dia Masih Kecil Atau Sudah Tua Tapi Kebetulan Orang Cebol, Eko Patrio

JAKARTA. Setelah 'meminta kepada seluruh stasiun televisi' untuk tidak lagi menayangkan acara yang 'kebanci-bancian' pada 1 September lalu, kali ini Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Pusat mengeluarkan anjuran baru yang kembali meminta (karena tidak punya kekuatan hukum untuk melarang, tapi yakin akan kekuatan moral mereka) seluruh stasiun televisi untuk berhenti menayangkan dan mengeksploitasi program yang berisikan individu-indibidu di bawah ini:

1. Pelawak Tidak Lucu
2. Orang Gembrot
3. Cewek Jelek
4. Cewek Jelek dan Gembrot
5. Orang Cebol
6. Gadis O'on Bersuara Melengking Seperti Habis Menghisap Helium
7. Orang Bego
8. Orang Berkumis Hitler
9. Anak Kecil Yang Berlagak Seperti Dewasa/Tidak Jelas Apakah Dia Masih Kecil Atau Sudah Tua Tapi Kebetulan Orang Cebol
10. Eko Patrio

Seperti dijelaskan di anjuran mereka sebelumnya tentang penamatan karir Ivan Gunawan, Olga Syahputra, Ruben, Tessy, dkk. KPI kali ini sekali lagi menyebutkan alasan bahwa individu-individu tersebut di atas berpotensi menyebabkan Identity Disorder terutama di kalangan anak-anak.

'Banyak penonton yang mengeluh bahwa anak mereka sering bertanya, kenapa orang tertawa menonton Ulfa padahal dia tidak lucu, suaranya hanya 50 desibel lebih keras daripada orang normal, kenapa dia disebut pelawak, Papa?' ujar Psikolog dari Yayasan KITA dan Buah Hati Rani Noe’man, Psi, yang juga diminta oleh KPI pendapatnya tentang dandanan Ivan Gunawan yang makin lama makin madam kemarin dulu. 'Begitu juga tentang Eko Patrio. Yang komplain tentang dia malah lebih banyak lagi. Anak-anak sering mengeluh kenapa rambutnya, saya kutip, 'so 2002, tapi gayanya kaya dia baru potong di Budi aja. Najis.''

Setelah Tessy yang berpendapat larangan tayangan kebanci-bancian 'sama saja dengan membunuhnya', beberapa artis dunia entertain [sic] yang dihubungi koresponden ini mengungkapkan mereka jadi khawatir tentang kelangsungan karir mereka. 'Aq PIqir kPi NgAwur deCh Akyu GaK Prnh oRdeR iDenTiTY di A&W paSti MOja,' tutur 'Winda 'Saschya OB' lewat pesan pendek waktu ditanya pendapatnya. Sementara telpon genggam Eko Patrio tidak diangkat walaupun telah dihubungi berkali-kali (RBT-nya menyenandungkan singel terbaru Coldplay, Violet Hill, yang menurut Rani Noe’man, Psi, menunjukkan keinginan besar 'pelawak' (sekarang dalam tanda kutip) ini untuk diterima di kalangan AGJ (Anak Gaul Jakarta), tapi tentu saja ini akan membuatnya dianggap semakin katro. (ttaj/mj)


Sunday, 21 September 2008

irisPUSTAKA: Peluncuran Buku Gratiagusti Chananya Rompas & Mikael Johani di Ubud Writers & Readers Festival

Start:     Oct 17, '08 6:00p
End:     Oct 17, '08 7:00p
Location:     Gaya Fusion, Jl. Raya Sayan, Ubud, Bali
irisPUSTAKA mengundang semua pecinta puisi untuk meramaikan acara peluncuran buku ‘Kota Ini Kembang Api’ karya Gratiagusti Chananya Rompas, dan ‘We Are Nowhere And It’s Wow’ karya Mikael Johani, yang akan diadakan di:

Tempat : Gaya Fusion, Jl. Raya Sayan, Ubud, Bali
Hari : Jumat, 17 Oktober, 2008
Jam : 18.00 – 19.00 WITA

Peluncuran kedua buku ini akan diisi dengan pemutaran video puisi, pembacaan puisi oleh para penulis, dan sesi baca puisi spontan bagi hadirin.

Acara ini adalah bagian dari rangkaian Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, 14-19 Oktober, 2008.

Informasi terbaru, lebih lengkap dan mendalam tentang perjalanan kedua penulis dan buku mereka, mulai dari sesi lay out, cetak, sampai acara peluncuran, dapat dibaca di:


Anya bisa diajak kenalan dan ngobrol di:


Mikael bisa diajak diskusi dan ketawa-ketawa di:


Pesan bukunya dari jauh-jauh hari agar tak kehabisan! Klik saja:


Untuk informasi lebih lengkap, gosip terbaru dan jumpa fans kecil-kecilan, hubungi:

Waraney Herald Rawung

0816 116 3015

Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, serta lokasi acara dapat dilihat di: http://www.ubudwritersfestival.com/

aku mau menunggu transcab saja

menunggu sepuluh aeon untuk menghemat sepuluh ribu. waktu layar bioskop terbalik dan kau menekan flip horizontal dengan ujung jari yang mengemis perhatian. tegangan elektrik di udara sekitar cikini raya. planet arium, waktu bima sakti terbelah lima, dan tata surya = nick seseorang di pultimly. bun, siram, goreng, yam yummy yum yum. temani aku berbuka o nokia e61i! bebaskan aku dari kutukan semester genap dan wajah oriental. waktu itu di danau UI dan balik semak yang belum Yong Ma. watch me watch me, take your liberty!

tarif bawah lama bawah banget. sakti tupra, mari naiki gelombang udara. 89.2 utan kayu. 98.7 dmasiv melulu. cinta itu sungguh melayu. efek rumah kaca hanya propaganda al gore belaka. boys and girls saat aku tertawa di atas semua, saat aku menangisi kesedihanku, aku ingin engkau selalu jawa. meringis saja waktu ujung jempolmu kuiris dengan parutan kelapa. jangan pernah ada, dead air di udara yang menyala di antara kita. chris knox. bekas tall dwarfs. a giant in the christchurch scene. circa late 20th c. when Morbid Angel was a cupid.

fall from grace. rise from the ashes. phoenixes, merpati/bangau putih, burung dara goreng depan terang bulan. waktu kau membiarkan casper masuk ke dalam rongga matamu. kau cocol french fries pada mcds chocolate sundae. kau seperti zzlibard. tak terpengaruh gravitasi walau dunia dan cangkir di matamu kenapa mereka? are we so intrigued? rawa belong tujuanku, asinan betawi asupan giziku. tabunganku semakin bertambah dan dilema hidupku pun, tz, macbook, pro, atau ku-dp saja blackberry bold di gerai e-motion itu? entahlah, transcab di depan mata tak keliatan, buraq di kaki langit sana malah. iya.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Saag paneer

but nothings sagging as far as i can see
the only wrinkles youve got are between
the here and now
keep the chutney they go well with the roganjosh

this could be the best indian ive ever had
north or south i have lost my compass
that was you
now im freestyling thru the leaves of the bodhi tree
would you like an extra naan to wipe up the honey sauce ?

i think ill have chapati this time
and a good time
every time
you heed my advice and forego shaving yr armpits for two days
this thing is just like agedashi only firmer

Monday, 15 September 2008

Code switch

how many times can you slip boston into a sentence
(y)o east coast graduates of
parsons school of dreams ?
the B in BU stands for Bullshit does it not
my lovelies ?

get extra roes for yr wafu casual japonaise pasta why dont you
regale the tang dynasty queens lined in front of you with tales of batik prints
the lack of meaning of
in purwokerto, do they have nasi liwet ?
kamu understand jawa-kah ?

get bon to kill bill
pour hot water over and over a punching bag of nori-flavoured ocha
these mains are so big i cant possibly finish them on my own !
let me help you then baby
mau aku suapin miniature baked eggplant-nya ?

Saturday, 13 September 2008


its like no its not like yes he did that to me no break my heart yes i went for a long walk then my dog died who cares no i do but no this is depressing only if you think this is all real but it is who knows im gonna die unappreciated except by the cognoscenti i hate that word cognoscenti

Indonesia's first keitai novel, chapter 1

he wonders if he shdnt just write a keitai novel abt jkt. seems logical. he spends most of his day staring at mobile phone screens.


perhaps i'm more of an open person than i previously think. when i'm angry, when i feel i'm in trouble, i tell people what i think, what i feel, i lie about what i think, i lie about what i feel, but i always tell them something. something that might give them clues to what i really feel, what i really think. i rarely tell them things just to get them away from me. i want them to understand. to get closer to me. i open myself up. get in.

i want to just do the right thing. whatever i feel is the right thing. it might not be the right thing. but i want to just do it. whatever i believe is the right thing. i used to do it i think, but then i stopped doing it i think because i was sick of not getting any reward from it, not even what i used to call the gift of being able to walk away with your head held high. i started slouching and feel like death. i was sick of that. i felt i was lying if i held my head high but the heart was rotting inside. but now i'm sick of feeling vindictive towards the world. the world doesn't give a shit about my vindictiveness either. water off duck's back. i shouldn't care so much about what the world thinks anymore. i am the world.

Thursday, 11 September 2008


DIRECTIONS FOR ABUSE: drag lines in the attachment wherever u like

*with not a little help from unik t

Attachment: mikael.html

Magnetic Poetry*

- wondering smoking slowly naked

- beneath a motorcycle children were set quiet

- springy icicle leapt about the spun water

*done with this thing

Bukan Inferno Bukan Pula Purgatorio

a billion light years away in paradiso
i skull-fucked bay
in my head an image of you
pinned and nailed like a butterfly in the garden of Go

Bukan Tentang Seorang yang Terbunuh di Sekitar Hari Pemilihan Umum

eli eli lamma lamma sabacthani
better that than a saxophone cry kata ginsberg
lama sebelum bertemu gm di taman itu
hanya khayalannya !
nothings holy, didnt u get me ?
said he under his pubic beard
ah, mr ginsberg, dont u know
these poets of the third, overdeveloped (lyrically) world !
theyre nothing but false-cosmopolitans
a few rungs below false prophets
just a step above on the ladder half-sunk in hells cryogenic mud
dont pay any attention
to the voter with his face down in the ditch
hes just drunk
not hunted down by a police state

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Modern Literature from the Muslim World

Start:     Sep 9, '08
Location:     Benhil, Jakarta
Announcing the publication of and seeking submissions for:
Words Without Borders: An Anthology of Modern Literature from the Muslim World


In 2009 Norton Publishers, in association with the literary journal “Words Without Borders” (WWB), will release Words Without Borders: An Anthology of Modern Literature from the Muslim World. This book will feature translations of important literary contributions of the twentieth century in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Indonesian, Dari, and Urdu. This volume, with an estimated length of 400 pages, is intended to provide students and general readers with an accessible introduction to a rich and varied literary tradition that is all too unfamiliar to most Americans. The aim is to help move the American consciousness of the Muslim world away from the terrorists and fanatics, and thus open a window into the lives of that portion of the Muslim world. Organized by language/region, the book will present samples of the major literary writing forms that have come to dominate modern literature: short story, free verse lyrics, plays, novel excerpts, and memoirs.

WWB has invited Reza Aslan, author of No God But God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, (Random House Trade, Jan 2006) to be guest editor of the anthology. He will be aided by a team of five sub-editors specializing in the literatures of specific languages and regions. I, John McGlynn, have been asked to serve as country editor for the section on Indonesia.

Opinion Survey
In the process of gathering together materials for the above publication, I would like to learn from Indonesian authors, literary critics, and other interested parties which authors they think would best represent Indonesia. If you fall into one of those categories and would like to weigh in on this matter, I hope you will take the time to fill in the questionnaire found below and return it to me.

In weighing your choice of authors, there are a number of things of which you should be aware:
1. Given the limited amount of space/pages that will be allotted for the Indonesia section—approximately 100—it is unlikely that more than 10-12 authors can be included, comprising, perhaps, 7 prose writers (with short stories, essays, or excerpts from novels of 10-12 pages each in length) and 3-5 poets, each with 3-5 poems. An excerpt from a play or two would also be considered.
2. Because the volume editor (Reza Aslan) is using the end of the Ottoman Empire as the starting date for works to be included in the volume, country editors will not be able to consider works that were written or published prior to 1950.
3. If possible, the country editor would like to include works spanning the last half of the 20th century period with samples of work from each decade. The country editor would also like to include both male and female authors.
4. Thus far, the volume editor has set no restriction on the religion of the authors—i.e., that they must be Muslim. Therefore, please do not use religion as a factor when making your choices.

Titles of works chosen for selection in the anthology may have been published in translation previously. Both authors and translators will be paid an honorarium of US$100 per 1000 words for up to 1500 words.

1. What is your name, position, and mailing address?

2. What Indonesian authors of short fiction do you think should be represented in An Anthology of Modern Literature from the Muslim World? Please list up to ten authors and specific titles for each author.

3. What Indonesian poets do you think should be represented in An Anthology of Modern Literature from the Muslim World? Please list up to five poets. (You need not cite specific titles of poems.)

4. What other authors do you think should represent Indonesia in An Anthology of Modern Literature from the Muslim World? Name up to three. Your choice may include dramatists, essayists, and writers of memoirs.

After you have filled out this questionnaire, please return it to John McGlynn by email to john_mcglynn@lontar.org or by post to Jl. Danau Laut Tawar No. 53, Pejompongan, Jakarta 10210. All persons who complete the questionnaire and return it to John will receive a voucher for the purchase of books from the Lontar Foundation.

Submissions Sought for: Young, Indonesian, and Female

Start:     Sep 9, '08 08:00a
End:     Sep 30, '08 12:00p
Location:     Benhil, Jakarta
The Lontar Foundation has scheduled for release, in 2009, two volumes of literary translations with the theme “Young, Indonesian and Female.” The first volume will be published, in association with Words Without Borders, as an issue of the on-line literary that goes by the same name. Volume editors are Dedi Feldman of WWB and John McGlynn of Lontar. The second volume will be released in print, both in Indonesia and abroad, as the eighth installment of Lontar’s Menagerie series. Volume editors are John McGlynn and Dorothea Herliany.

Both volumes will contain a mixture of literary genres: short stories, poetry, essays, and (possibly) drama. As is indicated by the theme, however, editors are primarily seeking works produced by younger Indonesian women writers. Their work may relate to the theme of the volumes, tackling issues of interest to younger women, but they may also be unrelated to the theme as well and be simply of pure literary merit. Male writers are also invited to contribute but their work must relate to the theme of the volumes in order to (possibly) counterpoint issues that the women writers raise.

Other guidelines governing submissions include the following:
• The work must have been written in Indonesian;
• The work may have been previously published in Indonesian but must never before have been published in English;
• The work should not have been published before 1998;
• Copyright for translation of the work is held by the author;
• Prose works—short stories and essays—should be no longer than 3,500 words;
• Unless a poem is very long, submissions of single poems are not encouraged; poets are requested to submit between 5 and 10 works.

All written contributions should be submitted to Lontar in digital form, either via email or on CD via post. Please send them by post to Dewi Andahlia, Editorial Assistant, Jl. Danau Laut Tawar No. 53, Pejompongan, Jakarta 10210 or by email to dewi_andahlia@lontar.org.

Potential contributors are requested to submit their work before 30 September 2008.

As with previous volumes in the Menagerie series, Menagerie 8: Young, Female, and Indonesian, will also contain at least one photographic essay. Both male and female photographers are invited to submit photographic essays dealing with the theme of the volume—but only one essay per photographer. A photographic essay should contain approximately 15 to 20 black and white photographs along with a story or captions describing the action that is taking place in the photographs. Photographers should submit their work in the form of a CD containing medium-resolution jpeg files. If the essay is chosen for inclusion, editors will then request high resolution scans.

For the publication of prose works contributors will be paid Rp. 1,000,000 per thousand words, capped at Rp. 1,500,000; for poetry, the same, with a minimum of Rp. 150,000 per poem. Translators will be paid the same. Photographers will receive Rp. 150,000 per photograph with a cap of Rp. 2,500,000.

About the Project Partners
Literature is one of the primary avenues for encounter with other cultures and both Words Without Borders and The Lontar Foundation were established to promote the translation of literary works into English.

Words Without Borders (WWB), a not-for-profit organization based in Chicago, does this primarily through the on-line publication of its literary journal by the same name. This online magazine registers 200,000 page views a month and has an emailing list of nearly 6,000 subscribers. More information about WWB can be found at www.wordswithoutborders.org.

The Lontar Foundation, established in 1987, has, since its founding published more than one hundred books pertaining to Indonesian literature and culture. In the coming year, the Foundation plans to establish an on-line magazine to further promote its goal of enhancing international knowledge of Indonesian literature and culture.

Sunday, 31 August 2008


sèpti paip ektèndéd waranti
kata ney di kamar ganti
lengannya kepanjangan
48 hanya ada di plaza senayan
kapan gajian ? kapan kapan
kapan mapan kaps kaps
zyrex anoa pake linuk brapaan
40 giga solid state buffoonery
mari vandal bersamamu nancy
kuingin kau mati saja
gak bayar royalti pula
vaio tz viao kampret
macbook airhead for yer understated
overstatement of this here
zara working man mao jacket
five pocketed pick socketed
suit yerself sour sally
dunia matahari bunga matari
cenes chicks in hotpants
wingèd anklettes like hera
lets not and say we did great
high distinction for a sports jacket
bespoke my fantasies of you
and a grand armée of me
björk get bent ! i go thru
all this with my eyes closed
or open closed or open
closed for business how
will i live tomorrow, if ive got
suicidal tendencies 24/7
material dansa kalau kalau
saja boekan jang empoenya
kroessi males malesan di pekarangan
gedong besaran di bilangan salemba
google earth saja atap rumbianya
1908 ada sebuah pedati
melenggang tanpa kusir di pegangsaan

*ditulis dan disimpan di display piece zyrex anoa di best denki, senayan city

Friday, 29 August 2008

Ttruh cilam slberamcd 5 temis oevr*

i havnet uadpted trhbjratathtukeaouta for many ransoes. msot of them i dont wnat to dcuisss with you. safe to say ive been aawy from lfie as i konw it. im on an oegrovrwn ptah eedgd with bebrmals going nhwreoe. i dont mnid. ive been tkanig stiases in etmpy pgaanrgshaans upekmnt dreeetsd by trlaerves eevn. no one lieks hanigng out amynroe. just sitntig in kesorsi males all afeoontrn. no one sees the pinot in wniirtg lteerts in eignlsh aonryme. make the gtueesrs of wtniirg wtih yuor hdnas and no one wloud unastrdned. ive been rdanieg many books in my daerms. more and more wlaimis p.a. duam e. beortn de njis arlbet abtrels anyinthg inshcdie brlieeltce. i tinhk the sllnpieg is wonrg but ill let sgjaubo have it this tmie. i dnot have tmie to talk to you amornye. i hvae my sciuonipss. no i nveer stscepeud you but i suohld nveer have tsteurd aoynne laest of all mslyef. we have lost our roahni and im trying to rpeacle it wtih teals of tgnihs wtih a toaki ctigtreae lhietgr as thier siaerl pgosiaontrt. i lnog for a late arnftooen with a bsnkibbno&rias miexd frloavs sky but eyvwrehree auonrd me is nhigt. goodbye. yruoe hasrh on me for a rseaon i know. yuor own resanos. ive got ntoinhg to do with whveater psoern yuove dcdeeid to be. prephas you dediced it one ngiht in lskuoeahmwe while watinig for smeoone to cursh yuor pdoanal exrats for you in your tepsaoon. and you dndit hvae wetar olny clod owesevert tea. get on wtih it. get on with lfie. as you woulvde siad to me i bet you wvldoue said tsohe wrods to me. you hvae. if i tlod you taht i too had dceedid on the psoern the iedal man i wneatd to be trhee years ago and now i fnid msylef saitrng at the same ceiilng i was sairntg at tehre yeras ago to the sonced wluod you bilevee me? i hvae not mveod an icnh. time to rnarragee the fintuerrus in my room. no one has been rinckog in the rcoking cahir for many yeras phpaers its time to put rnoikcg to ptrsaue. wulod you bveelie it. im tiryng to mkae you itno my new muse. but yuore wphiinpg me into saphes i htae. the shdaow pnantiig of a rastas haed a fender sartt tihck akelns. yuore not ltinteg me be who i am o msue nevloule! i hate you. i hate you but i lvoe you bcseuae yuor hate is new. your dsgiust at my rclancutee to satnd under the cold moitnaun wetar pruinog out of the bmaobo ppie yuor shrot crut awesnrs to my ssepimeflo-d pmleorbs of amour your sertcely ttixneg your fdenirs to pcik you up so you can get aawy from the pioilbissty of sipdneng the nihgt with me. yuore ceelevrr than all my old mesus thats what i lkie auobt you. in this ctruony id klil for cveelr. now the sltrguge whcih of coruse you would sggsuet dsenot rellay hvae to be one is to fnid a way to feel the heat of your skin asanigt mine. prieod.

*dnoe uisng this tihng form code is porety

Thursday, 28 August 2008


ketemu ex di rendezvous
siap siap segepok tissue
pesen cap cai tanpa udang
mawar plastik merusak pandang

oud batavia menggoda mata
new jakarta merana rana
bekleding hatiku pake senryu
tambal tubeless ni paru paru

hati hati hati tumpah
kopi luwak krim amarah
es krim baltic merah muda
tuti artic closed 4eva

bioskop grand beat homo
nonton tiga dara dapet sinjo
planet senen tempat kongkow
darah mengalir tetap slow

minggu pagi matahari perak
ingat ke misa bersama budak
mayat kuda di kanal molenvliet
di pantatnya burung burung pipit

tuti + greet + amoy
indahnya hidup so amboy
tinggal kenangan di sudut trio
bubur babi habis pil koplo

Truth claim

i havent updated thetruthaboutjakarta for many reasons. most of them i dont want to discuss with you. safe to say ive been away from life as i know it. im on an overgrown path edged with brambles, going nowhere. i dont mind. ive been taking siestas in empty pasanggrahans, unkempt, deserted by travelers even. no one likes hanging out anymore. just sitting in kroessi males all afternoon. no one sees the point in writing letters in english anymore. make the gestures of writing with your hands, and no one would understand. ive been reading many books in my dreams. more and more wiliams, p.a. daum, e. breton de nijs, albert alberts, anything indische belletrice. i think the spelling is wrong but ill let subagjo have it this time. i dont have time to talk to you anymore. i have my suspicions. no, i never suspected you, but i should never have trusted anyone, least of all myself. we have lost our rohani, and im trying to replace it with tales of things, with a tokai cigarette lighter as their serial protagonist. i long for a late afternoon with a baskin&robbins mixed flavors sky, but everywhere around me is night. goodbye.

youre harsh on me for a reason i know. your own reasons. ive got nothing to do with whatever person youve decided to be. perhaps you decided it one night in lhokseumawe, while waiting for someone to crush your panadol extras for you in your teaspoon. and you didnt have water, only cold oversweet tea. get on with it. get on with life. as you wouldve said to me, i bet you wouldve said those words to me. you have. if i told you, that i too had decided on the person, the ideal man, i wanted to be three years ago and now i find myself staring at the same ceiling i was staring at three years ago to the second, would you believe me? i have not moved an inch. time to rearrange the furnitures in my room. no one has been rocking in the rocking chair for many years, perhaps its time to put rocking to pasture. would you believe it.

im trying to make you into my new muse. but youre whipping me into shapes i hate. the shadow painting of a rastas head, a fender strat, thick ankles. youre not letting me be who i am o muse nouvelle!, i hate you. i hate you but i love you, because your hate is new. your disgust at my reluctance to stand under the cold mountain water pouring out of the bamboo pipe, your short, curt answers to my self-imposed problems of amour, your secretly texting your friends to pick you up so you can get away from the possibility of spending the night with me. youre cleverer than all my old muses, thats what i like about you. in this country, id kill for clever. now the struggle, which, of course you would suggest, doesnt really have to be one, is to find a way to feel the heat of your skin against mine. period.

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

The palm at the end of a cheese rind

Two years ago
When you remember things you wonder
How could I ever forget ?
So I was thinking of D-- and how --A's leaving now after
Less than two years and of the people that were ther
E when she came and who left after she came and who replaced
Who and who got rid of who and who stayed but spent the day(
S) browsing the online want ads, jobsDB, karir.com, whatever
Wherever she could click her eyes into (did that work ?).
So I was thinking of N-- and her bloated water-balloon
Belly and her lieutenants, --I, yes I remembered her though
She, by all accounts, is totally, absolutely, forgettable,
And the other girl, The Beauty Editor, and I couldn't remem-
Ber her name, for the life of everyone in the universe !,
But then I remembered ! She sent me a text message re:Subject
:Re and my mind went off course, of course and I was more
Interested in the content of that message, what she said, ho-
W she phrased it, did she use emoticons ? and I could only
Remember the sky blue of my cheap, cheapest on the market,
Motor Ola casing, and the two-line breadth of the screen
(Don't worry, your boyhood lyricism will come back (to haunt you))
And I remembered nothing but that the tone was angry and
The message cryptic like everything else everyone else in
This cuntree and I gave up, not wanting to think about
That whole period of my life anymore but knowing that
Deep deep down East 17 and I had worked out, pieced
Together the broken jigsaw pieces of me memory, she said
Something like: Some people know some thongs [sic, yeah !] about other peo-
Ple and keep them to themselves, and some people choose
To write a fucking book. I remembered, and I didn't want
Not to.
It comes from not having done enough thinking.
(Whatever 'It' is was will be.)
So many things have happened and I've only taken notes of so
O there is time/are times: between phone calls, late at
Night when you know, even she won't call.
But then she does and you forget things.
You blame her for forgetting things.
The Thing Things.
And in your saner moments you blame yourself for not taking
Better care of your brain. Your mental health. Your Self.
Your metal health. Will Self.
But you don't know what that Self is anymore.
It used to be so clear.
You write long letters to that Self.
Disguised as A-- or --N or any name of friends you can conjure up
Out of the smell of loneliness.
But that ended up badly, didn't it ? Very.
So you decided to become, try to become a better person,
One who thinks first before he acts.
And you promptly act before you have done enough thinking.
Because thinking hurts.
Thinking is lonely.
Think lonely.
If I promise myself this, a page-between attempt at redress-
Ing the problems of my life by reading good books I buy
Second-hand, I'm sure I'll break it again, The Way I Have Br-
Oken So Many Promises To Myself In The Past Which If Ke-
Pt Would Have Made Me A Happier Person.
I Promise.
Why don't you begin at the start ?
Only never is too late. Never.
A 2.5-storey house in Pejompongan.
Newly renovated in the current [circa 2006--ed.] fad style of steel frames,
Dove-grey paint job, polished wood everything, stairs sa-
Ns railings, a verandah on the 1.5 level, thin bars of the sa-
Me wood, unpolished, stacked together as fences, a gate,
In lieu of solid walls.
-- I had stopped writing two years ago to read some more
Of the New York poets in my Anthology of New York Poets
Vintage Classics edition of 1973 that I bought post-loved
Of course--who shares the knowledge of your of courses, pray, deary me ?--
The year was 2006, Anno Domini, from Jose Rizal's
Shop, that's the Indonesian Jose Rizal, the poet who wears
His hair in a greasy pony tail, not the dead Pinoy doctor,
(Maybe he wore his hair in a greasy pony tale)
And I read some Ashbery, Koch and read the biography at
The back of someone I can't remember his name--I remember no-
Thing these days--who cut&pasted Elvis's bio for his own.
I like funny things like that.
Funny men like that.
Funny, irresponsible men like that.
When I was reading Koch's 'Leaving Hydra' or something like
That, the poem was about this guy Peter who wanted to
Go for a walk with his homo friend Norris who'd decided
He wasn't homo after all and wanted to just cross the Eng-
Lish Channel hetero-like with a girl, Margaret, and why woul-
D anyone have ideas like that, going for a walk on an isl-
And they hardly know with a new friend you'd just met
Hours ago, and Koch said that was because we hardly ever hav-
E clear objectives in our lives, that
Two Days Later, 10 PM, or a few minutes after
You on the radio
Burning your way into the hard disk
Of my (he)art.
Yeah, I'd've written that.
No compunction.
No no no.


Tuesday, 19 August 2008


150 juta bukanlah alat mengantarkan pengertian. Dia bukan seperti pipa yang menyalurkan lumpur. 150 juta adalah pengertian itu sendiri. Dia bebas.

Kalau diumpamakan dengan kursi, 150 juta adalah kursi itu sendiri dan bukan alat untuk duduk. Kalau diumpamakan dengan pisau, 150 juta adalah pisau itu sendiri dan bukan alat untuk memotong atau menikam.

Dalam kesehari-harian 150 juta cenderung dipergunakan sebagai alat untuk menyampaikan pengertian. Dianggap sebagai pesuruh untuk menyampaikan pengertian. Dan dilupakan kedudukannya yang merdeka sebagai pengertian.

Dalam puisi saya, saya bebaskan 150 juta dari tradisi lapuk yang membelengunya [sic] seperti kamus dan penjajahan-penjajahan lain seperti moral 150 juta yang dibebankan masyarakat pada 150 juta tertentu dengan dianggap kotor (obscene) serta penjajahan gramatika.

Bila 150 juta dibebaskan, kreatifitaspun [sic] dimungkinkan. Karena 150 juta bisa menciptakan dirinya sendiri, bermain dengan dirinya sendiri, dan menentukan kemauan dirinya sendiri. Pendadakan yang kreatif bisa timbul, karena 150 juta yang biasanya dianggap berfungsi sebagai penyalur pengertian, tiba-tiba, karena kebebasannya bisa menyungsang terhadap fungsinya. Maka timbullah hal-hal yang tak terduga sebelumnya, yang kreatif.

Dalam (penciptaan) puisi saya, 150 juta saya biarkan bebas dalam gairahnya karena telah menemukan kebebasan, 150 juta meloncat-loncat dan menari diatas kertas, mabuk dan menelanjangi dirinya sendiri, mundar-mandir dan berkali-kali menunjukkan muka dan belakangnya yang mungkin sama atau tak sama, membelah dirinya dengan bebas, menyatukan dirinya sendiri dengan yang lain untuk memperkuat dirinya, membalik atau menyungsangkan sendiri dirinya dengan bebas, saling bertentangan sendiri satu sama lainnya karena 150 juta-150 juta bebas berbuat semaunya atau bila perlu membunuh dirinya sendiri untuk menunjukkan dirinya bisa menolak dan berontak terhadap pengertian yang ingin dibebankan kepadanya.

Sebagai penyair saya hanya menjaga—sepanjang tidak mengganggu kebebasannya—agar kehadirannya yang bebas sebagai pembentuk pengertiannya sendiri, bisa mendapatkan aksentuasi yang maksimal.

Menulis puisi bagi saya adalah membebaskan 150 juta, yang berarti mengembalikan 150 juta pada awal mulanya. Pada mulanya adalah 150 JUTA.

Dan 150 juta pertama adalah mantera. Maka menulis puisi bagi saya adalah mengembalikan 150 juta kepada mantera.

Sutardji Calzoum Bakrie
Freedom Institute, 17 Agustus 150000000

1 5 0 J U T A

: s      d  j  i             m
  u      c               e     
  t       a  l          i            b
  a            z         r       a 
  r       u   o             k 

ha ha

Thursday, 14 August 2008


lampu kota pekat
gerombolan kupu kupu di perutku
rasa khawatir akan dua tiga hari ke depan
basa basi yang segera ingin dilewatkan

dua tangan yang kini terpisah
cepat menyatu
di atas pangkuan

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Contre Tarkovsky

aku (Saut Situmorang) duduk duduk di bar murahan di Kuta sore sore circa

2ribuberapa2 ?

ketika Mlle Seconde Chance menyenggol bahuku waktu ia buru buru

ke toilet setelah menyeruput lima porsi cairan biru bercahaya

dan memamah tiap manisan ceri hijau yang bertengger di bibir gelasnya

yang berbentuk seperti gitar Spanyol, atau, aku lebih memilih memikirkannya seperti ini, seperti siluet tubuhnya yang seksi

aku jadi ingat sebaris puisiNya (René Char) : 'when the shoulder butts the heart'

ya, when the shoulder butts the heart,

what happens to the rest of us ?

aku tiba tiba merasakan keinginan amat sangat untuk mengangkat penaku lagi

dan menghunjamkannya ke halaman blocnoot kwaliteit buruk yang masih kosong

membolonginya sampai ke permukaan meja kayu yang terlanjur bocel bocel

dengan tatahan tatahan iseng penyair penyair lain yang bosan menunggu puisi datang di pucuk siang sepertiku sekarang :

                                      'Cicih hearts Iman'

'i left my heart in an empty post office box, somewhere in the vicinity of Victoria University of Wellington, PO BOX 600, Wellington 6140, NZ'

                                                                                           'kau bukan anugerah terindah yang pernah kumiliki, no way''

aku sibakkan rambut gimbal yang menutupi dahiku

ujungnya tersangkut di rak kartu pos di pojok yang berdiri kesepian seperti pohon natal di bulan februari

kugeserkan ujung pena yang mengkilat seperti pedang di kertas putih bersih

kuderetkan huruf huruf kursif dari kiri ke kanan

kuderetkan huruf huruf kursif dari kiri ke kanan

kuderetkan huruf huruf kursif dari kiri ke kanan sementara rasanya hidupku seperti melesat

di layar sebuah bioskop yang sudah lama ditutup

mengingkari grammar sinematografi

ngebut dari kanan ke kiri.

Friday, 18 July 2008

BungaMatahari: KebunKata (Rumah) Masa Depan

Start:     Jul 27, '08 12:00p
End:     Jul 27, '08 4:00p
Location:     San Diego Hills Memorial Park & Funeral Homes
Chairil bilang ia ingin hidup seribu tahun lagi. Saya tak mau, tak tahan membayangkan sepi dan keringnya hari-hari yang harus dilalui.

Karena itu, sebelum teknologi jadi kelewat canggih dan usia kita benar-benar bisa diperpanjang, sebelum kita beku dan kaku dalam beribu tahun yang membuat kata-kata jadi abu, sebelum kita terpaksa mengaku cinta kepada seorang real doll, mari rayakan hari ini dan hidup yang terberkati.

Tinggalkan sejenak rumah yang nyaman, aman dan peluk kekasih yang hangat berkeringat. Rumah Masa Depan kita sudah melambai-lambai manis dengan jendelanya yang bertirai susu dan madu! Six feet under, baby!

Siapkan puisi, celotehan, sampah keluarga, curhat tentang kekasih yang ternyata cinta sesama, caci-maki kepada atasan di kantor, doa mohon naik gaji, segala unek-unek di hati, dan onani yang kentang. Tumpahkan semua di KebunKata (Rumah) Masa Depan, yang akan diadakan pada hari Minggu, 27 Juli, 2008, jam 12 siang, di San Diego Hills Memorial Park and Funeral Homes.

Jangan lupa bawa pakaian renang. Di sana kita bisa eksperimen berpuisi a la Deni Manusia Ikan. Yang merasa tubuhnya kurang seksi (saya tentu angkat tangan tinggi-tinggi), masih ada waktu seminggu untuk diet dan lari pagi keliling Nusantara.

Untuk teman-teman yang ingin ikut tapi tak punya kendaraan sendiri, BungaMatahari menyiapkan 1 (satu) bis berkapasitas 30 (tiga puluh) orang, yang siap menanti di tempat parkir RumahBermimpi, Jalan KH. Mas Mansyur 25 A, Blok 1 Lantai 3 No.4, Jakarta Pusat. Berangkat jam 10 pagi, segera daftarkan nama ke Mikael Johani (kirim email saja ke beliau di mikaeljohani@yahoo.com), atau japri ke email saya di screamingney@gmail.com.

Untuk pembukaan, ini puisi dari saya buat masa depan yang cerah dan seksi!

Aku tak mau hidup seribu tahun lagi!

Aku tak mau hidup seribu tahun lagi
sendiri tanpa teman bercaci-maki
bersyair tentang masa yang sudah lewat
(dan sahabat yang jauh-jauh hari telah wafat)

Aku tak mau hidup seribu tahun lagi
mengenang yang sudah layu, tak henti
meratap, "Waktu aku masih muda dulu..."
di tengah tatapan kosong anak-cucu

Aku tak mau hidup seribu tahun lagi
malam-malam sepi membaca puisi
kekasih yang lama pergi, dan terbangun
di pagi yang dingin, menyapu kata-kata
yang terbang diculik angin

Aku tak mau hidup seribu tahun lagi!
lebih baik hidup seribu detik
di panas pelukan si seksi!

Waraney Herald Rawung : http://blackuniverse.multiply.com/calendar/item/10014/BungaMatahari_KebunKata_Rumah_Masa_Depan

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

An(n)a Kar(en)ina*

kau orang sunda, bahasamu seperti burung bernyanyi di pucuk angsana
pohon penyembuh segala, masih tersisa satu di pojok kota tua
ingatkah dulu waktu kita sering nongkrong di pinggir molenvliet
mengenang rimbaud dan sepatu yang lepas kulitnya, liburan di pusuk buhit
di sini kita hanya punya gunung salak, senja di beranda dengan budak setia
saudara saudaraku suka meloncat dari prau, menyulut menyan di klenteng naga
bersyukur pada maktjouw poo, semoga daganganku laku
laut cina selatan penuh marabahaya, perjalanan pulang penuh leliku
lebih baik menetap di sini saja, bapakku kapiten cina bercambang
tarik pajak dari rumah judi tenabang, opium den di luar batang
kuharap walau kau membaptisku dengan nama eropah
kau tetap tatahlah itu tembok dengan satu n saja, di sebelahnya hati tertembus panah

* pour Edo Wallad

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Chapel Hill

stuck a pin in yr back bone !
but chapell hill hasnt got its own passaic
its spine a spine-tingling web of fronts running thru shop-windows
caribbean curry & parota shops, pawnshops selling prototypes of shark burgers
pickled, shredded, chili-ed hengstenberg rotessa apfelrotkohl
theres always something sweet in bitterness
try an earthen-jarred kimchi buried six feet under in the north korean border !
you want a range life ?
summer babes do handstands on joburg beaches' open bar tops
piña coladas spiked with antiseptic hand soap
youre crazed !
safari now, settle down never
the green hills of africa has gone panic-stricken
a lone olive tree stands at the pink edge of a mozambique desert
projet pour la protection des animaux sauvages ?
les hommes you mean ?
« Tsvangirai withdraws his party from election saying to continue would cost supporters' lives »
gokil, thats what i mean,
at uc san diego you study films and get your indonesian late '80s horror flicks' fix from mondo macabre
lady terminator v. jaka sembung bawa golok gak nyambung
starálfur !
youve seen them ? how did you stop yr heart from stop-beating ?
stop beating, stop breathin ! breath in for me, now !
cut yr hair and get a job
pretend you never go to graduate school
let alone harvard
im bored at lamont and everywhere else
or all souls
coz white men got no soul
thats how we got UB40
ah, the glory of early mid-'90s american indie !
it ran thru the moving walkways off my mind !
its just a possibility
all i ever wanted was to be yr spine

Puisi terpanjang dalam sejarah peradaban Hindu-Buddha bangsa ini

Seperti pernah saya janjikan waktu acara Bengkel Kata 'Tuhkan Ada Hal-hal Yang Belum Selesai!' BungaMatahari kemarin, yang live-blogging-nya (thanks to Yoshi's industrious insanity) bisa dinikmati di sini, inilah saatnya mencontek ide Benrik (sebenarnya saatnya seharusnya sudah beberapa saat yang lalu tapi saya memang suka melupakan saat-saat yang seharusnya penting dalam hidup saya) untuk memulai proyek 'Puisi Terpanjang Dalam Sejarah Peradaban Hindu-Buddha Bangsa Ini'. Caranya gampang, karena kan contekan, saya akan menulis baris pertama di posting ini, sebentar lagi, sabar, kemudian kalian, siapapun, silakan meneruskan di reply-reply kalian sampai selamanya. Syaratnya saya pikir cuma perlu satu, setiap reply hanya boleh satu baris saja, kalau mau dua baris bikin saja reply baru (tapi ingat, satu baris kan bisa panjang banget ! Jadi penderita logorrhea di antara kalian, tak usah khawatirlah !). Bahasa boleh apa saja, yang belum bisa Klingon belajarlah dari Google Klingon. Dan ingat, di reply thread multiply ini sekarang orang bisa bikin audio dan video reply, pergunakanlah ! Katanya cyborgs !

Ok, here we go, the first line in what let's make it happen, people !


* baris pertama ini dari clovique

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Jolly Jolly Tropical Boston Tea Party ( A la Maison de Thé à Kebon Kacang depuis 2008 ) : Messrs. Twinings, Lipton, Pickwick, Dilmah étaient AWOLs, the bastards !

here you go clovique, mademoiselle
ive laced that cup of darjeeling with two acid tabs
would you like some scones to go with that ?
ive baked them in the shapes of a heart
broken in three
oven fresh
crushed thyme and jackys babies in the bread pudding
savouries in sweets
lets make the tips of our tongues go
tingly tingly hoppy hop o !
dont worry, thats not too much butter
on your cucumber sandwich
just an extra layer of love, monsieur univers noir
to go with the liquid e
in your hot chocolate, care for two balls of melty marshmallows
to dunk in your lake of sorrow ?
tante anya, welkom
i know youll get blackouts from even a little pot
so ive strained you a special brew of hashish
it came with a magic carpet you can take away
on your witches' getaway, dont forget to pack a torch
to shine on yourself when danger, a vampire, or really
just a general feeling of helplessness beckons
edophilippa, dont worry lah, havent forgot ya,
just stay in the corner, wait for your gingerbread men
ill make one with slits for eyes, tiny ideas of breasts,
and a pretty a-line skirt one can only get in senen
or portobello market, whenever love is in season
danarski, where are ya ? ah, there you are
step into the spotlight, thats where you belong ma'am,
no curtains for you !
oh hang on, dont be such pigs, not yet,
lets put our heads down
and pray to the lord above
our father who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven
give us this day our daily bread
never starbucks its too milky and expensive
nor oh la la its undrinkable
excelsos cappuccino toraja is the best
but i dont wanna push my luck
were pretty happy with what weve got now
dya hear us o, yoshi(not)mi, my lord of sweetness & light ?

(later that afternoon : « tea-master bitch ! vous m'avez abandonné ! »
tea-master bitch ( wiping sleep off his eyes ) : « pardonnez-moi, mademoiselle,
le thé et les amitiés sont la chose la plus dure à maîtriser ! »