Wednesday, 24 September 2008
: gedongproject
gugur, gugur pahlawanku
buka pintu, tambah sribu
jantungku berdebar tiap kuingat padaMu
mengapa ada yang kurang saat Kau tak ada
melihatMu menyetopMu itu yang kumau
mana Sunnyku mana Sunnyku ?
begitu banyak puisi tak habis tentangMu
Kau membuat kuberantakan
Kau membuat kutakkaruan
Kau membuat kutakberdaya
Kau hancurkan aku dengan argomu
tak sadarkah Kau telah bolongi dompetku ?
tetap, tak akan kulupa
cinta pertama di jok belakangMu
Kau, Nissan Sunnyku
Johnny Donne's Unholy Sonnet LXIX
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Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Feel the love out there on the ice, far away silver thoughts; nobody lost, nobody found eternity one night only.
All the girls I know are dying of love and lack thereof or excess of, for lips that twitch at the end of a runway are the same lips that switch codes for the benefit of men, the kinds of which we’ve seen many times before but not this time: at the end of a runway, with all the spotlights shattering in unison. 'Nothing prêt-à-porter about life at the office of hearts, dearie One,' exclaimed La Diavola, her petticoat of simple flaming reds the butt of jokes around the cubicles of section 01. Wu-uuu-u. One thing, that I just can’t conceive, is how I just let you go on and on about 50 different permutations of happiness ever after; the world ipso facto, post-factum. Alea jacta est. When the frog kisses the prince, cherry-blossoms whither on stems as white as a peranakan girl’s buttocks. Not for nothing the Revlon red of your lips is now a washed-out pink on the rims of wine goblets. O, don’t you wish you had a river you could skate away on? I will draw bear footprints on its surface with my breath, the tip of my nose catching the cold reflection of my face. Always pressured to the ground, never from the same height. Always already an all-night fair on the inside of your skull. Imagine that. Imagine all the people. Cotton candy in your hair. A button coming off the inside of your sleeves. A rush for the automatic vending machine dispensing emptiness into the sweaty hands of man-children. The worst sort there is. There’s one, hi-fiving dead air into submission on the other side of the street. An unwaxed surfboard in his left armpit. Imagine that. Imagine all the friction.
Nobody Lost, Nobody Found Eternity One Night Only
always pressured to the ground
never from the same height
always already an all-night fair
on the inside of your skull
imagine that. imagine all the people.
cotton candy in your hair
a button coming off the inside of your sleeves
a rush for the automatic vending machine
dispensing emptiness
into the sweaty hands of man-
children. the worst sort there is
theres one, hi-fiving dead air
into submission on the other side
of the street. an unwaxed surfboard
in his armpits. imagine that. imagine all the friction.
Far Away Silver Thoughts
one thing that i just cant conceive is
how i just let you go on and on
about 50 different permutations
of happiness ever after; the world
ipso facto, post-factum. alea jacta est.
when the frog kisses the prince
cherry-blossoms whither on stems
as white as a peranakan girls buttocks
not for nothing the revlon red of your lips
is now a washed-out pink on the rims of wine goblets.
o dont you wish you had a river
you could skate away on? i will
draw bear footprints on its surface
with my breath, the tip of my nose
catching the cold reflection of my face.
Feel The Love Out There On The Ice
all the girls i know are dyin
of love and lack thereof
or excess of for lips that twitch
at the end of a runway are
the same lips that switch
codes for the benefit of men
the kinds of which weve seen
many times before but not this
time at the end of a runway
with all the spotlights shattering in unison
'nothin prêt-à-porter about life
at the office of hearts, dearie One,'
exclaimed la diavola, her petticoat of
simple flaming reds the butt
of jokes around the cubicles of section 01. wu-uuu-u.
Monday, 22 September 2008
Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia juga melarang Pelawak Tidak Lucu, Orang Gembrot, Cewek Jelek, Cewek Jelek dan Gembrot, Orang Cebol, Gadis O'on Bersuara Melengking Seperti Habis Menghisap Helium, Orang Bego, Orang Berkumis Hitler, Anak Kecil Yang Berlagak Seperti Dewasa/Tidak Jelas Apakah Dia Masih Kecil Atau Sudah Tua Tapi Kebetulan Orang Cebol, Eko Patrio
JAKARTA. Setelah 'meminta kepada seluruh stasiun televisi' untuk tidak lagi menayangkan acara yang 'kebanci-bancian' pada 1 September lalu, kali ini Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Pusat mengeluarkan anjuran baru yang kembali meminta (karena tidak punya kekuatan hukum untuk melarang, tapi yakin akan kekuatan moral mereka) seluruh stasiun televisi untuk berhenti menayangkan dan mengeksploitasi program yang berisikan individu-indibidu di bawah ini:
1. Pelawak Tidak Lucu
2. Orang Gembrot
3. Cewek Jelek
4. Cewek Jelek dan Gembrot
5. Orang Cebol
6. Gadis O'on Bersuara Melengking Seperti Habis Menghisap Helium
7. Orang Bego
8. Orang Berkumis Hitler
9. Anak Kecil Yang Berlagak Seperti Dewasa/Tidak Jelas Apakah Dia Masih Kecil Atau Sudah Tua Tapi Kebetulan Orang Cebol
10. Eko Patrio
Seperti dijelaskan di anjuran mereka sebelumnya tentang penamatan karir Ivan Gunawan, Olga Syahputra, Ruben, Tessy, dkk. KPI kali ini sekali lagi menyebutkan alasan bahwa individu-individu tersebut di atas berpotensi menyebabkan Identity Disorder terutama di kalangan anak-anak.
'Banyak penonton yang mengeluh bahwa anak mereka sering bertanya, kenapa orang tertawa menonton Ulfa padahal dia tidak lucu, suaranya hanya 50 desibel lebih keras daripada orang normal, kenapa dia disebut pelawak, Papa?' ujar Psikolog dari Yayasan KITA dan Buah Hati Rani Noe’man, Psi, yang juga diminta oleh KPI pendapatnya tentang dandanan Ivan Gunawan yang makin lama makin madam kemarin dulu. 'Begitu juga tentang Eko Patrio. Yang komplain tentang dia malah lebih banyak lagi. Anak-anak sering mengeluh kenapa rambutnya, saya kutip, 'so 2002, tapi gayanya kaya dia baru potong di Budi aja. Najis.''
Setelah Tessy yang berpendapat larangan tayangan kebanci-bancian 'sama saja dengan membunuhnya', beberapa artis dunia entertain [sic] yang dihubungi koresponden ini mengungkapkan mereka jadi khawatir tentang kelangsungan karir mereka. 'Aq PIqir kPi NgAwur deCh Akyu GaK Prnh oRdeR iDenTiTY di A&W paSti MOja,' tutur 'Winda 'Saschya OB' lewat pesan pendek waktu ditanya pendapatnya. Sementara telpon genggam Eko Patrio tidak diangkat walaupun telah dihubungi berkali-kali (RBT-nya menyenandungkan singel terbaru Coldplay, Violet Hill, yang menurut Rani Noe’man, Psi, menunjukkan keinginan besar 'pelawak' (sekarang dalam tanda kutip) ini untuk diterima di kalangan AGJ (Anak Gaul Jakarta), tapi tentu saja ini akan membuatnya dianggap semakin katro. (ttaj/mj)
Sunday, 21 September 2008
irisPUSTAKA: Peluncuran Buku Gratiagusti Chananya Rompas & Mikael Johani di Ubud Writers & Readers Festival
Start: | Oct 17, '08 6:00p |
End: | Oct 17, '08 7:00p |
Location: | Gaya Fusion, Jl. Raya Sayan, Ubud, Bali |
Tempat : Gaya Fusion, Jl. Raya Sayan, Ubud, Bali
Hari : Jumat, 17 Oktober, 2008
Jam : 18.00 – 19.00 WITA
Peluncuran kedua buku ini akan diisi dengan pemutaran video puisi, pembacaan puisi oleh para penulis, dan sesi baca puisi spontan bagi hadirin.
Acara ini adalah bagian dari rangkaian Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, 14-19 Oktober, 2008.
Informasi terbaru, lebih lengkap dan mendalam tentang perjalanan kedua penulis dan buku mereka, mulai dari sesi lay out, cetak, sampai acara peluncuran, dapat dibaca di:
Anya bisa diajak kenalan dan ngobrol di:
Mikael bisa diajak diskusi dan ketawa-ketawa di:
Pesan bukunya dari jauh-jauh hari agar tak kehabisan! Klik saja:
Untuk informasi lebih lengkap, gosip terbaru dan jumpa fans kecil-kecilan, hubungi:
Waraney Herald Rawung
0816 116 3015
Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, serta lokasi acara dapat dilihat di:
aku mau menunggu transcab saja
menunggu sepuluh aeon untuk menghemat sepuluh ribu. waktu layar bioskop terbalik dan kau menekan flip horizontal dengan ujung jari yang mengemis perhatian. tegangan elektrik di udara sekitar cikini raya. planet arium, waktu bima sakti terbelah lima, dan tata surya = nick seseorang di pultimly. bun, siram, goreng, yam yummy yum yum. temani aku berbuka o nokia e61i! bebaskan aku dari kutukan semester genap dan wajah oriental. waktu itu di danau UI dan balik semak yang belum Yong Ma. watch me watch me, take your liberty!
tarif bawah lama bawah banget. sakti tupra, mari naiki gelombang udara. 89.2 utan kayu. 98.7 dmasiv melulu. cinta itu sungguh melayu. efek rumah kaca hanya propaganda al gore belaka. boys and girls saat aku tertawa di atas semua, saat aku menangisi kesedihanku, aku ingin engkau selalu jawa. meringis saja waktu ujung jempolmu kuiris dengan parutan kelapa. jangan pernah ada, dead air di udara yang menyala di antara kita. chris knox. bekas tall dwarfs. a giant in the christchurch scene. circa late 20th c. when Morbid Angel was a cupid.
fall from grace. rise from the ashes. phoenixes, merpati/bangau putih, burung dara goreng depan terang bulan. waktu kau membiarkan casper masuk ke dalam rongga matamu. kau cocol french fries pada mcds chocolate sundae. kau seperti zzlibard. tak terpengaruh gravitasi walau dunia dan cangkir di matamu kenapa mereka? are we so intrigued? rawa belong tujuanku, asinan betawi asupan giziku. tabunganku semakin bertambah dan dilema hidupku pun, tz, macbook, pro, atau ku-dp saja blackberry bold di gerai e-motion itu? entahlah, transcab di depan mata tak keliatan, buraq di kaki langit sana malah. iya.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Saag paneer
but nothings sagging as far as i can see
the only wrinkles youve got are between
the here and now
keep the chutney they go well with the roganjosh
this could be the best indian ive ever had
north or south i have lost my compass
that was you
now im freestyling thru the leaves of the bodhi tree
would you like an extra naan to wipe up the honey sauce ?
i think ill have chapati this time
and a good time
every time
you heed my advice and forego shaving yr armpits for two days
this thing is just like agedashi only firmer
Monday, 15 September 2008
Code switch
how many times can you slip boston into a sentence
(y)o east coast graduates of
parsons school of dreams ?
the B in BU stands for Bullshit does it not
my lovelies ?
get extra roes for yr wafu casual japonaise pasta why dont you
regale the tang dynasty queens lined in front of you with tales of batik prints
the lack of meaning of
in purwokerto, do they have nasi liwet ?
kamu understand jawa-kah ?
get bon to kill bill
pour hot water over and over a punching bag of nori-flavoured ocha
these mains are so big i cant possibly finish them on my own !
let me help you then baby
mau aku suapin miniature baked eggplant-nya ?
Saturday, 13 September 2008
its like no its not like yes he did that to me no break my heart yes i went for a long walk then my dog died who cares no i do but no this is depressing only if you think this is all real but it is who knows im gonna die unappreciated except by the cognoscenti i hate that word cognoscenti
Indonesia's first keitai novel, chapter 1
he wonders if he shdnt just write a keitai novel abt jkt. seems logical. he spends most of his day staring at mobile phone screens.
perhaps i'm more of an open person than i previously think. when i'm angry, when i feel i'm in trouble, i tell people what i think, what i feel, i lie about what i think, i lie about what i feel, but i always tell them something. something that might give them clues to what i really feel, what i really think. i rarely tell them things just to get them away from me. i want them to understand. to get closer to me. i open myself up. get in.
i want to just do the right thing. whatever i feel is the right thing. it might not be the right thing. but i want to just do it. whatever i believe is the right thing. i used to do it i think, but then i stopped doing it i think because i was sick of not getting any reward from it, not even what i used to call the gift of being able to walk away with your head held high. i started slouching and feel like death. i was sick of that. i felt i was lying if i held my head high but the heart was rotting inside. but now i'm sick of feeling vindictive towards the world. the world doesn't give a shit about my vindictiveness either. water off duck's back. i shouldn't care so much about what the world thinks anymore. i am the world.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
DIRECTIONS FOR ABUSE: drag lines in the attachment wherever u like
*with not a little help from unik t
Attachment: mikael.html
Magnetic Poetry*
- wondering smoking slowly naked
- beneath a motorcycle children were set quiet
- springy icicle leapt about the spun water
*done with this thing
Bukan Inferno Bukan Pula Purgatorio
a billion light years away in paradiso
i skull-fucked bay
in my head an image of you
pinned and nailed like a butterfly in the garden of Go
Bukan Tentang Seorang yang Terbunuh di Sekitar Hari Pemilihan Umum
eli eli lamma lamma sabacthani
better that than a saxophone cry kata ginsberg
lama sebelum bertemu gm di taman itu
hanya khayalannya !
nothings holy, didnt u get me ?
said he under his pubic beard
ah, mr ginsberg, dont u know
these poets of the third, overdeveloped (lyrically) world !
theyre nothing but false-cosmopolitans
a few rungs below false prophets
just a step above on the ladder half-sunk in hells cryogenic mud
dont pay any attention
to the voter with his face down in the ditch
hes just drunk
not hunted down by a police state
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Modern Literature from the Muslim World
Start: | Sep 9, '08 |
Location: | Benhil, Jakarta |
Words Without Borders: An Anthology of Modern Literature from the Muslim World
In 2009 Norton Publishers, in association with the literary journal “Words Without Borders” (WWB), will release Words Without Borders: An Anthology of Modern Literature from the Muslim World. This book will feature translations of important literary contributions of the twentieth century in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Indonesian, Dari, and Urdu. This volume, with an estimated length of 400 pages, is intended to provide students and general readers with an accessible introduction to a rich and varied literary tradition that is all too unfamiliar to most Americans. The aim is to help move the American consciousness of the Muslim world away from the terrorists and fanatics, and thus open a window into the lives of that portion of the Muslim world. Organized by language/region, the book will present samples of the major literary writing forms that have come to dominate modern literature: short story, free verse lyrics, plays, novel excerpts, and memoirs.
WWB has invited Reza Aslan, author of No God But God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, (Random House Trade, Jan 2006) to be guest editor of the anthology. He will be aided by a team of five sub-editors specializing in the literatures of specific languages and regions. I, John McGlynn, have been asked to serve as country editor for the section on Indonesia.
Opinion Survey
In the process of gathering together materials for the above publication, I would like to learn from Indonesian authors, literary critics, and other interested parties which authors they think would best represent Indonesia. If you fall into one of those categories and would like to weigh in on this matter, I hope you will take the time to fill in the questionnaire found below and return it to me.
In weighing your choice of authors, there are a number of things of which you should be aware:
1. Given the limited amount of space/pages that will be allotted for the Indonesia section—approximately 100—it is unlikely that more than 10-12 authors can be included, comprising, perhaps, 7 prose writers (with short stories, essays, or excerpts from novels of 10-12 pages each in length) and 3-5 poets, each with 3-5 poems. An excerpt from a play or two would also be considered.
2. Because the volume editor (Reza Aslan) is using the end of the Ottoman Empire as the starting date for works to be included in the volume, country editors will not be able to consider works that were written or published prior to 1950.
3. If possible, the country editor would like to include works spanning the last half of the 20th century period with samples of work from each decade. The country editor would also like to include both male and female authors.
4. Thus far, the volume editor has set no restriction on the religion of the authors—i.e., that they must be Muslim. Therefore, please do not use religion as a factor when making your choices.
Titles of works chosen for selection in the anthology may have been published in translation previously. Both authors and translators will be paid an honorarium of US$100 per 1000 words for up to 1500 words.
1. What is your name, position, and mailing address?
2. What Indonesian authors of short fiction do you think should be represented in An Anthology of Modern Literature from the Muslim World? Please list up to ten authors and specific titles for each author.
3. What Indonesian poets do you think should be represented in An Anthology of Modern Literature from the Muslim World? Please list up to five poets. (You need not cite specific titles of poems.)
4. What other authors do you think should represent Indonesia in An Anthology of Modern Literature from the Muslim World? Name up to three. Your choice may include dramatists, essayists, and writers of memoirs.
After you have filled out this questionnaire, please return it to John McGlynn by email to or by post to Jl. Danau Laut Tawar No. 53, Pejompongan, Jakarta 10210. All persons who complete the questionnaire and return it to John will receive a voucher for the purchase of books from the Lontar Foundation.
Submissions Sought for: Young, Indonesian, and Female
Start: | Sep 9, '08 08:00a |
End: | Sep 30, '08 12:00p |
Location: | Benhil, Jakarta |
Both volumes will contain a mixture of literary genres: short stories, poetry, essays, and (possibly) drama. As is indicated by the theme, however, editors are primarily seeking works produced by younger Indonesian women writers. Their work may relate to the theme of the volumes, tackling issues of interest to younger women, but they may also be unrelated to the theme as well and be simply of pure literary merit. Male writers are also invited to contribute but their work must relate to the theme of the volumes in order to (possibly) counterpoint issues that the women writers raise.
Other guidelines governing submissions include the following:
• The work must have been written in Indonesian;
• The work may have been previously published in Indonesian but must never before have been published in English;
• The work should not have been published before 1998;
• Copyright for translation of the work is held by the author;
• Prose works—short stories and essays—should be no longer than 3,500 words;
• Unless a poem is very long, submissions of single poems are not encouraged; poets are requested to submit between 5 and 10 works.
All written contributions should be submitted to Lontar in digital form, either via email or on CD via post. Please send them by post to Dewi Andahlia, Editorial Assistant, Jl. Danau Laut Tawar No. 53, Pejompongan, Jakarta 10210 or by email to
Potential contributors are requested to submit their work before 30 September 2008.
As with previous volumes in the Menagerie series, Menagerie 8: Young, Female, and Indonesian, will also contain at least one photographic essay. Both male and female photographers are invited to submit photographic essays dealing with the theme of the volume—but only one essay per photographer. A photographic essay should contain approximately 15 to 20 black and white photographs along with a story or captions describing the action that is taking place in the photographs. Photographers should submit their work in the form of a CD containing medium-resolution jpeg files. If the essay is chosen for inclusion, editors will then request high resolution scans.
For the publication of prose works contributors will be paid Rp. 1,000,000 per thousand words, capped at Rp. 1,500,000; for poetry, the same, with a minimum of Rp. 150,000 per poem. Translators will be paid the same. Photographers will receive Rp. 150,000 per photograph with a cap of Rp. 2,500,000.
About the Project Partners
Literature is one of the primary avenues for encounter with other cultures and both Words Without Borders and The Lontar Foundation were established to promote the translation of literary works into English.
Words Without Borders (WWB), a not-for-profit organization based in Chicago, does this primarily through the on-line publication of its literary journal by the same name. This online magazine registers 200,000 page views a month and has an emailing list of nearly 6,000 subscribers. More information about WWB can be found at
The Lontar Foundation, established in 1987, has, since its founding published more than one hundred books pertaining to Indonesian literature and culture. In the coming year, the Foundation plans to establish an on-line magazine to further promote its goal of enhancing international knowledge of Indonesian literature and culture.
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