Sunday, 31 August 2008


sèpti paip ektèndéd waranti
kata ney di kamar ganti
lengannya kepanjangan
48 hanya ada di plaza senayan
kapan gajian ? kapan kapan
kapan mapan kaps kaps
zyrex anoa pake linuk brapaan
40 giga solid state buffoonery
mari vandal bersamamu nancy
kuingin kau mati saja
gak bayar royalti pula
vaio tz viao kampret
macbook airhead for yer understated
overstatement of this here
zara working man mao jacket
five pocketed pick socketed
suit yerself sour sally
dunia matahari bunga matari
cenes chicks in hotpants
wingèd anklettes like hera
lets not and say we did great
high distinction for a sports jacket
bespoke my fantasies of you
and a grand armée of me
björk get bent ! i go thru
all this with my eyes closed
or open closed or open
closed for business how
will i live tomorrow, if ive got
suicidal tendencies 24/7
material dansa kalau kalau
saja boekan jang empoenya
kroessi males malesan di pekarangan
gedong besaran di bilangan salemba
google earth saja atap rumbianya
1908 ada sebuah pedati
melenggang tanpa kusir di pegangsaan

*ditulis dan disimpan di display piece zyrex anoa di best denki, senayan city

Friday, 29 August 2008

Ttruh cilam slberamcd 5 temis oevr*

i havnet uadpted trhbjratathtukeaouta for many ransoes. msot of them i dont wnat to dcuisss with you. safe to say ive been aawy from lfie as i konw it. im on an oegrovrwn ptah eedgd with bebrmals going nhwreoe. i dont mnid. ive been tkanig stiases in etmpy pgaanrgshaans upekmnt dreeetsd by trlaerves eevn. no one lieks hanigng out amynroe. just sitntig in kesorsi males all afeoontrn. no one sees the pinot in wniirtg lteerts in eignlsh aonryme. make the gtueesrs of wtniirg wtih yuor hdnas and no one wloud unastrdned. ive been rdanieg many books in my daerms. more and more wlaimis p.a. duam e. beortn de njis arlbet abtrels anyinthg inshcdie brlieeltce. i tinhk the sllnpieg is wonrg but ill let sgjaubo have it this tmie. i dnot have tmie to talk to you amornye. i hvae my sciuonipss. no i nveer stscepeud you but i suohld nveer have tsteurd aoynne laest of all mslyef. we have lost our roahni and im trying to rpeacle it wtih teals of tgnihs wtih a toaki ctigtreae lhietgr as thier siaerl pgosiaontrt. i lnog for a late arnftooen with a bsnkibbno&rias miexd frloavs sky but eyvwrehree auonrd me is nhigt. goodbye. yruoe hasrh on me for a rseaon i know. yuor own resanos. ive got ntoinhg to do with whveater psoern yuove dcdeeid to be. prephas you dediced it one ngiht in lskuoeahmwe while watinig for smeoone to cursh yuor pdoanal exrats for you in your tepsaoon. and you dndit hvae wetar olny clod owesevert tea. get on wtih it. get on with lfie. as you woulvde siad to me i bet you wvldoue said tsohe wrods to me. you hvae. if i tlod you taht i too had dceedid on the psoern the iedal man i wneatd to be trhee years ago and now i fnid msylef saitrng at the same ceiilng i was sairntg at tehre yeras ago to the sonced wluod you bilevee me? i hvae not mveod an icnh. time to rnarragee the fintuerrus in my room. no one has been rinckog in the rcoking cahir for many yeras phpaers its time to put rnoikcg to ptrsaue. wulod you bveelie it. im tiryng to mkae you itno my new muse. but yuore wphiinpg me into saphes i htae. the shdaow pnantiig of a rastas haed a fender sartt tihck akelns. yuore not ltinteg me be who i am o msue nevloule! i hate you. i hate you but i lvoe you bcseuae yuor hate is new. your dsgiust at my rclancutee to satnd under the cold moitnaun wetar pruinog out of the bmaobo ppie yuor shrot crut awesnrs to my ssepimeflo-d pmleorbs of amour your sertcely ttixneg your fdenirs to pcik you up so you can get aawy from the pioilbissty of sipdneng the nihgt with me. yuore ceelevrr than all my old mesus thats what i lkie auobt you. in this ctruony id klil for cveelr. now the sltrguge whcih of coruse you would sggsuet dsenot rellay hvae to be one is to fnid a way to feel the heat of your skin asanigt mine. prieod.

*dnoe uisng this tihng form code is porety

Thursday, 28 August 2008


ketemu ex di rendezvous
siap siap segepok tissue
pesen cap cai tanpa udang
mawar plastik merusak pandang

oud batavia menggoda mata
new jakarta merana rana
bekleding hatiku pake senryu
tambal tubeless ni paru paru

hati hati hati tumpah
kopi luwak krim amarah
es krim baltic merah muda
tuti artic closed 4eva

bioskop grand beat homo
nonton tiga dara dapet sinjo
planet senen tempat kongkow
darah mengalir tetap slow

minggu pagi matahari perak
ingat ke misa bersama budak
mayat kuda di kanal molenvliet
di pantatnya burung burung pipit

tuti + greet + amoy
indahnya hidup so amboy
tinggal kenangan di sudut trio
bubur babi habis pil koplo

Truth claim

i havent updated thetruthaboutjakarta for many reasons. most of them i dont want to discuss with you. safe to say ive been away from life as i know it. im on an overgrown path edged with brambles, going nowhere. i dont mind. ive been taking siestas in empty pasanggrahans, unkempt, deserted by travelers even. no one likes hanging out anymore. just sitting in kroessi males all afternoon. no one sees the point in writing letters in english anymore. make the gestures of writing with your hands, and no one would understand. ive been reading many books in my dreams. more and more wiliams, p.a. daum, e. breton de nijs, albert alberts, anything indische belletrice. i think the spelling is wrong but ill let subagjo have it this time. i dont have time to talk to you anymore. i have my suspicions. no, i never suspected you, but i should never have trusted anyone, least of all myself. we have lost our rohani, and im trying to replace it with tales of things, with a tokai cigarette lighter as their serial protagonist. i long for a late afternoon with a baskin&robbins mixed flavors sky, but everywhere around me is night. goodbye.

youre harsh on me for a reason i know. your own reasons. ive got nothing to do with whatever person youve decided to be. perhaps you decided it one night in lhokseumawe, while waiting for someone to crush your panadol extras for you in your teaspoon. and you didnt have water, only cold oversweet tea. get on with it. get on with life. as you wouldve said to me, i bet you wouldve said those words to me. you have. if i told you, that i too had decided on the person, the ideal man, i wanted to be three years ago and now i find myself staring at the same ceiling i was staring at three years ago to the second, would you believe me? i have not moved an inch. time to rearrange the furnitures in my room. no one has been rocking in the rocking chair for many years, perhaps its time to put rocking to pasture. would you believe it.

im trying to make you into my new muse. but youre whipping me into shapes i hate. the shadow painting of a rastas head, a fender strat, thick ankles. youre not letting me be who i am o muse nouvelle!, i hate you. i hate you but i love you, because your hate is new. your disgust at my reluctance to stand under the cold mountain water pouring out of the bamboo pipe, your short, curt answers to my self-imposed problems of amour, your secretly texting your friends to pick you up so you can get away from the possibility of spending the night with me. youre cleverer than all my old muses, thats what i like about you. in this country, id kill for clever. now the struggle, which, of course you would suggest, doesnt really have to be one, is to find a way to feel the heat of your skin against mine. period.

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

The palm at the end of a cheese rind

Two years ago
When you remember things you wonder
How could I ever forget ?
So I was thinking of D-- and how --A's leaving now after
Less than two years and of the people that were ther
E when she came and who left after she came and who replaced
Who and who got rid of who and who stayed but spent the day(
S) browsing the online want ads, jobsDB,, whatever
Wherever she could click her eyes into (did that work ?).
So I was thinking of N-- and her bloated water-balloon
Belly and her lieutenants, --I, yes I remembered her though
She, by all accounts, is totally, absolutely, forgettable,
And the other girl, The Beauty Editor, and I couldn't remem-
Ber her name, for the life of everyone in the universe !,
But then I remembered ! She sent me a text message re:Subject
:Re and my mind went off course, of course and I was more
Interested in the content of that message, what she said, ho-
W she phrased it, did she use emoticons ? and I could only
Remember the sky blue of my cheap, cheapest on the market,
Motor Ola casing, and the two-line breadth of the screen
(Don't worry, your boyhood lyricism will come back (to haunt you))
And I remembered nothing but that the tone was angry and
The message cryptic like everything else everyone else in
This cuntree and I gave up, not wanting to think about
That whole period of my life anymore but knowing that
Deep deep down East 17 and I had worked out, pieced
Together the broken jigsaw pieces of me memory, she said
Something like: Some people know some thongs [sic, yeah !] about other peo-
Ple and keep them to themselves, and some people choose
To write a fucking book. I remembered, and I didn't want
Not to.
It comes from not having done enough thinking.
(Whatever 'It' is was will be.)
So many things have happened and I've only taken notes of so
O there is time/are times: between phone calls, late at
Night when you know, even she won't call.
But then she does and you forget things.
You blame her for forgetting things.
The Thing Things.
And in your saner moments you blame yourself for not taking
Better care of your brain. Your mental health. Your Self.
Your metal health. Will Self.
But you don't know what that Self is anymore.
It used to be so clear.
You write long letters to that Self.
Disguised as A-- or --N or any name of friends you can conjure up
Out of the smell of loneliness.
But that ended up badly, didn't it ? Very.
So you decided to become, try to become a better person,
One who thinks first before he acts.
And you promptly act before you have done enough thinking.
Because thinking hurts.
Thinking is lonely.
Think lonely.
If I promise myself this, a page-between attempt at redress-
Ing the problems of my life by reading good books I buy
Second-hand, I'm sure I'll break it again, The Way I Have Br-
Oken So Many Promises To Myself In The Past Which If Ke-
Pt Would Have Made Me A Happier Person.
I Promise.
Why don't you begin at the start ?
Only never is too late. Never.
A 2.5-storey house in Pejompongan.
Newly renovated in the current [circa 2006--ed.] fad style of steel frames,
Dove-grey paint job, polished wood everything, stairs sa-
Ns railings, a verandah on the 1.5 level, thin bars of the sa-
Me wood, unpolished, stacked together as fences, a gate,
In lieu of solid walls.
-- I had stopped writing two years ago to read some more
Of the New York poets in my Anthology of New York Poets
Vintage Classics edition of 1973 that I bought post-loved
Of course--who shares the knowledge of your of courses, pray, deary me ?--
The year was 2006, Anno Domini, from Jose Rizal's
Shop, that's the Indonesian Jose Rizal, the poet who wears
His hair in a greasy pony tail, not the dead Pinoy doctor,
(Maybe he wore his hair in a greasy pony tale)
And I read some Ashbery, Koch and read the biography at
The back of someone I can't remember his name--I remember no-
Thing these days--who cut&pasted Elvis's bio for his own.
I like funny things like that.
Funny men like that.
Funny, irresponsible men like that.
When I was reading Koch's 'Leaving Hydra' or something like
That, the poem was about this guy Peter who wanted to
Go for a walk with his homo friend Norris who'd decided
He wasn't homo after all and wanted to just cross the Eng-
Lish Channel hetero-like with a girl, Margaret, and why woul-
D anyone have ideas like that, going for a walk on an isl-
And they hardly know with a new friend you'd just met
Hours ago, and Koch said that was because we hardly ever hav-
E clear objectives in our lives, that
Two Days Later, 10 PM, or a few minutes after
You on the radio
Burning your way into the hard disk
Of my (he)art.
Yeah, I'd've written that.
No compunction.
No no no.


Tuesday, 19 August 2008


150 juta bukanlah alat mengantarkan pengertian. Dia bukan seperti pipa yang menyalurkan lumpur. 150 juta adalah pengertian itu sendiri. Dia bebas.

Kalau diumpamakan dengan kursi, 150 juta adalah kursi itu sendiri dan bukan alat untuk duduk. Kalau diumpamakan dengan pisau, 150 juta adalah pisau itu sendiri dan bukan alat untuk memotong atau menikam.

Dalam kesehari-harian 150 juta cenderung dipergunakan sebagai alat untuk menyampaikan pengertian. Dianggap sebagai pesuruh untuk menyampaikan pengertian. Dan dilupakan kedudukannya yang merdeka sebagai pengertian.

Dalam puisi saya, saya bebaskan 150 juta dari tradisi lapuk yang membelengunya [sic] seperti kamus dan penjajahan-penjajahan lain seperti moral 150 juta yang dibebankan masyarakat pada 150 juta tertentu dengan dianggap kotor (obscene) serta penjajahan gramatika.

Bila 150 juta dibebaskan, kreatifitaspun [sic] dimungkinkan. Karena 150 juta bisa menciptakan dirinya sendiri, bermain dengan dirinya sendiri, dan menentukan kemauan dirinya sendiri. Pendadakan yang kreatif bisa timbul, karena 150 juta yang biasanya dianggap berfungsi sebagai penyalur pengertian, tiba-tiba, karena kebebasannya bisa menyungsang terhadap fungsinya. Maka timbullah hal-hal yang tak terduga sebelumnya, yang kreatif.

Dalam (penciptaan) puisi saya, 150 juta saya biarkan bebas dalam gairahnya karena telah menemukan kebebasan, 150 juta meloncat-loncat dan menari diatas kertas, mabuk dan menelanjangi dirinya sendiri, mundar-mandir dan berkali-kali menunjukkan muka dan belakangnya yang mungkin sama atau tak sama, membelah dirinya dengan bebas, menyatukan dirinya sendiri dengan yang lain untuk memperkuat dirinya, membalik atau menyungsangkan sendiri dirinya dengan bebas, saling bertentangan sendiri satu sama lainnya karena 150 juta-150 juta bebas berbuat semaunya atau bila perlu membunuh dirinya sendiri untuk menunjukkan dirinya bisa menolak dan berontak terhadap pengertian yang ingin dibebankan kepadanya.

Sebagai penyair saya hanya menjaga—sepanjang tidak mengganggu kebebasannya—agar kehadirannya yang bebas sebagai pembentuk pengertiannya sendiri, bisa mendapatkan aksentuasi yang maksimal.

Menulis puisi bagi saya adalah membebaskan 150 juta, yang berarti mengembalikan 150 juta pada awal mulanya. Pada mulanya adalah 150 JUTA.

Dan 150 juta pertama adalah mantera. Maka menulis puisi bagi saya adalah mengembalikan 150 juta kepada mantera.

Sutardji Calzoum Bakrie
Freedom Institute, 17 Agustus 150000000

1 5 0 J U T A

: s      d  j  i             m
  u      c               e     
  t       a  l          i            b
  a            z         r       a 
  r       u   o             k 

ha ha

Thursday, 14 August 2008


lampu kota pekat
gerombolan kupu kupu di perutku
rasa khawatir akan dua tiga hari ke depan
basa basi yang segera ingin dilewatkan

dua tangan yang kini terpisah
cepat menyatu
di atas pangkuan